6 Symptoms of Poor Gut Health (Plus how to improve it)

symptoms of poor gut health

If somebody had told you ten years ago that showing symptoms of poor gut health could be undeniably connected to your mental and physical health, you may have laughed them off. It sounds crazy, right? That tiny bacteria in your gut could affect your overall wellbeing. Well, research over the past decade has shown that your gut health directly affects your mental health and that’s what we’re learning about today!

Plenty of proven studies have shown the direct link between gut health and mood, mental health, the immune system, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, endocrine disorders, and cancer.

The proper term for your gut is your microbiome. Your microbiome is made up of tons of bacteria, both good and bad. In fact, the gut microbiome can have anywhere between 300 and 500 different kinds of bacteria in it at once.

Fun fact: there are 10x the number of microbial cells in the gut than anywhere else in the entire human body!

It used to be thought that our digestive tracts were quite simple – that food came in and it went out. However, the medical field is discovering that it is far more complex than we realise. Your microbiome is responsible for sorting through the bacteria that enters your body. It obviously favours the good stuff and tries to eradicate harmful bacteria.

But your gut needs your help! If you aren’t putting the right stuff into your body, it becomes harder for your gut to fight off bad bacteria which leads to the symptoms of poor gut health.

What are the symptoms of poor gut health?

Upset stomach

An unhealthy gut will have trouble properly digesting food. Bloating, constipation, and acid reflux can all be signs of an unhealthy microbiome.

Fatigue or poor sleep patterns

Are you sleeping too much or too little? Fatigue and poor sleep patterns are common signs of poor mental health and can be directly linked to poor gut health. Serotonin is produced in the gut and if there isn’t enough being produced, your sleep will be affected.

Skin irritation

Skin conditions like eczema can be traced back to a leaky gut. When your gut is in poor health, it can leak damaging proteins into your blood which manifest in irritating skin conditions.

Unintentional weight changes

If you are gaining or losing weight without changing your diet, it could very well be gut-related. When your gut is in poor health, it battles to absorb, store, and distribute blood sugar and fat.

Food intolerances

Food intolerances (not to be mistaken for a food allergy) can be a symptom of an unhealthy gut. Because the gut is responsible for digesting food, if it isn’t in good shape, it could battle to break down certain foods.

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Autoimmune conditions

An autoimmune condition happens when the body almost implodes on itself. Instead of fighting off a virus or a foreign germ, the body starts to attack itself. It has been said that an inflamed gut could negatively affect the functioning of your immune system.

What can harm your gut health?

What sorts of things should you avoid if you want to keep your gut healthy?

  • Smoking
  • Consuming too much alcohol
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overusing antibiotics
  • Eating a boring/non-diverse diet
  • Too much stress
  • Lack of exercise

What can improve your gut health?

There are very simple lifestyle changes you can make to improve your gut health – and it isn’t just about food! The way you live your life will have a direct effect on the health of your microbiome, so let’s check them out.

  • Eating fermented foods (kimchi, pickles, and kraut)
  • Prioritise healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, nuts, and fatty fish)
  • Reduce dairy and gluten (except for yoghurt which is a fantastic probiotic!)
  • Get enough sleep
  • Eliminate stress (meditate, gain perspective, and take yourself less seriously!)
  • Drink more water (and drink less alcohol)
  • Include more fibre in your diet

As you can see, these changes are not drastic. They are simple enough to include in your everyday life and can easily replace bad habits (sugary foods, staying up too late and freaking out over every minor detail).

If you’re concerned about your gut health or are experiencing severe, chronic digestive tract issues, it may be a good idea to speak to your doctor about it. With Oneplan Health Insurance (that’s us) you’ll get paid out for day-to-day doctor’s visits BEFORE your appointment and you can visit any doctor of your choice!

Your body is a wonderful thing and treating it with kindness is your responsibility. It’s time to transform your health from the inside out. Let’s go!

Your Health Insurance Family,


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