Our top 5 lightning protection tips for your home

lightning protection

The summer rains and storms are coming in fast – here are our lightning protection tips to help you keep your home safe!

Summer is here and we are all feeling the heat! If you have car and household insurance to help cover the costs of lightning damage, then you are one of the lucky ones. But having to replace items that have been affected by a storm is often a timeous and expensive process.

Just a quick one – if you insure your home through Oneplan (that’s us), we let you have total control over the items you cover all from the palm of your hand using our Oneplan App. No household inspections and the easiest claims process, ever. All you have to do is snap a pic of the item and upload to the app and just like that – you are covered. Right then, let’s get back to the lightning bit…

Lightning is one of nature’s most powerful and often scary forces. Lightning can have devastating effects on property, people, and trees. The best place to be when a lightning storm strikes is indoors or in your car. If you are running outside during a lightning storm, then do not, we repeat, DO NOT seek shelter under a tree. Trees attract lightning because of their height.

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If you are struck by lightning, then you will need immediate medical assistance. Luckily, if you have health insurance, we help cover the costs of this (Oneplan does car, household, health and pet insurance – your one-stop insurance shop!).

5 lightning protection tips for your home:

1.     Make sure all of your appliances and electronics are unplugged

And we mean everything. If you think a storm is going to hit when you are at work (this is why it is always a good idea to check the weather before you go anywhere), then unplug all your appliances and electronics before the storm hits.

This might seem like a time-consuming process, but so is replacing the stuff – so you decide. Pay special attention to sensitive electronics like internet routers and modems, televisions, entertainment and sound systems and TVs.

2.     Preparation is vital

It is important that you draw up a list of emergency numbers and make sure that this is well displayed and accessible when a storm hits. These come in handy if your house is severely damaged, if you are hurt in the storm, or if your house catches fire from a lightning strike (this can happen).

3.     Surge protection

These are small devices used to protect your computer, TV, or other electrical appliances from damage by high-voltage electrical surges which can occur during a lightning strike. Surge protection is essential to any home or business. It is also important that you have an electrician regularly check your wiring. Installing surge protection can help give you a peace of mind during a storm and also helps in preventing damage to your valuable items.

Must-read: The Cost of Selling a House: 6 Hidden Expenses

4.     Find out what your insurance covers you for

If you have Oneplan Car and Household insurance, then we cover you for:

  • Fire, lightning, or explosion
  • Storm, wind, water, hail, or snow
  • Earthquake

To name a few. But not all insurance companies do this. It is also important that you check your insurance policy and make sure you are aware of your cover and the terms and conditions of it.

5.     Fix any leaks

It is also important that you have someone come and check your roof for any leaks as this can lead to rainwater damage. Clean out your storm water drainage pipes and gutters regularly to make sure that a proper water flow can take place during storms. This also prevents rainwater from creating pools on your patio, decks, verandas, and landings.

The summer storms are here, and we want you to be ready for when one hits your neighbourhood!

Your Insurance Family,


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