Why Going to the Dentist is Important (& How to Afford It)

why going to the dentist is important

Ah, the dentist. Not everybody’s favourite appointment of the year, but one that is absolutely necessary for strong and healthy teeth.

Visiting the dentist isn’t just about having teeth that look beautiful, it’s about looking after your oral hygiene as a whole. The mouth is an important part of the body and if it isn’t cared for, there can be serious (and sometimes deadly) repercussions.

Why Going to the Dentist is Important

1. Preventative care

Your dentist is not just there to solve problems, they are there to prevent them. Detecting issues early on can save you thousands in medical bills, as well as painful procedures.

2. Save your teeth

You only have one set of teeth (sometimes we envy the 8 sets that sharks get) and you need to look after them. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

3. Treat bad breath

Odours coming from the mouth are common in people who do not regularly get their teeth checked. It isn’t enough to brush and floss – there may be underlying issues that are causing bad smells to come from your mouth (and nobody wants that).

4. Peace of mind

Lying awake at night poking at a sore tooth with your tongue is no way to live. It can cause a lot of unnecessary worries that could be solved with a quick trip to the dentist!

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5. Dental hygiene education

You would be surprised at how many people do not know how to properly care for their teeth. Some people only brush once a day and never even bother to floss! Your dentist can help educate you on the best way to take care of your teeth to avoid future problems.

Checks to expect at the dentist

Now that you know why going to the dentist is important, we can dive into what to expect when your dentist is checking your teeth.

When you’re sitting in the dentist’s chair, there will be two people assessing your teeth. They are your dentist and their dental hygienist. Dental hygienists are there to assist your dentist and may also be the ones conducting your initial exam and asking you questions about your oral and general health.


A thorough clean is the first step in your appointment. Whilst regular cleaning at home keeps bacteria away, there will most likely still be some buildup of hardened plaque on the teeth. This is often referred to as tartar or calculus.

Dental cleaning is a painless procedure that involves a series of hand-held tools to get into the nooks and crannies of your teeth – and it feels great afterwards!


Polishing your teeth during a check-up is important to remove stains and plaque from your teeth completely. Good polishing will remove anything that was missed during the initial clean. Your dentist will use a rotating tool with rubber or a brush to polish your teeth. They will use a mix of fluoride and an abrasive substance for the best outcome.

Preventative care

After your clean and polish, your dentist will be able to identify any issues you need to stay on top of. They’ll recommend where you could do better in your day-to-day cleaning routine, what foods you need to cut out on and instructions you need to follow to make sure you stay ahead of any future problems.


X-rays are not a mandatory part of your check-up, but your dentist may order them if they deem it necessary. Teeth are bones, after all, and there could be underlying issues that can’t be seen with the human eye. X-rays are often used to detect cavities, holes, and any misalignment in the teeth.

Treatment and recommendations

If all goes well, your appointment will be over quite quickly. If there are any concerns, your dentist will recommend a course of action to fix what they have found. This may be to reschedule another appointment or a referral to a specialist like an orthodontist.

How to get you and your family to the dentist this year

Aside from you now knowing why going to the dentist is important, you probably also know that it’s pretty expensive – but that does not mean you should avoid it! At Oneplan, all four of our health insurance plans cover visits to the dentist, and you’re not limited to one visit per year. So, if you feel something is not quite right, you don’t need to wait until next year to get it sorted out!

We also don’t limit you to a specific dentist network, so if the dentist you have now is the first one you’re actually not terrified to visit – you can keep them! Not to mention all the other amazing day-to-day and in-hospital benefits we offer (you can take a look at our range of plans for more information).

Start making your dental health a priority by getting a quick and easy online quote here, or if you’d prefer to speak to one of our agents, you can call, email, or WhatsApp us.

Your Health Insurance Family,


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