Seven practical ways to deal with depression

boost your mood, dealing with depression, journaling, affordable health insurance

There are still a lot of stigmas when it comes to talking openly about mental health, but this is a safe space for you to reflect and take what you need to better your anxious mind or depression.

Depression is not something you will cure in the blink of an eye. But working through different coping mechanisms is one way to improve your mental health. And while you are on this journey, remember that you are never alone.

There are experts, friends, and family that can support you, and there are also others who suffer from depression.

Ready to look at seven ways to better your mental health and aid in relieving your depression? Let’s do it:

1. Create a routine

Trying to tie in with someone’s routine can place a lot of stress on you, leading to more intense depression. On the other hand, having your routine in place allows you to work at your own pace, ensure you get everything done, and build a specific structure that makes you feel more at ease. 

2. Start moving your body

Have you ever heard of those feel-good chemicals your body produces called endorphins? For example, endorphins are released when you are working out or moving. It then triggers a positive feeling in the body, similar to morphine, which makes you feel happy and overall good. 

So start prioritising exercise daily and watch your mood improve — instantly!

3. Focus on a healthy eating plan 

Having a good relationship with food is essential if you are suffering from depression. This is because certain food types can help elevate your mood and make you feel better physically and mentally. 

According to an article by Everyday Health, here are a few foods that assist with beating depression

  • dark leafy greens
  • avocado 
  • berries
  • tomatoes, and
  • seeds, such as flaxseeds or chia seeds.

When you read ‘healthy eating plan’, you might instantly think of a diet, but diets often cut out some of the most critical foods your body needs. So, instead, look at food as a helping hand in dealing with depression. You should also listen to your body because it will tell you what it needs. 

And if you are craving something sweet like chocolate, just get high-quality dark chocolate. It is an excellent way to help with depression. Because it contains “phenylethylamine – a neuromodulator that has a positive impact on mood stabilisation.”

4. Have a balanced sleep schedule 

When you are struggling with depression, you either have insomnia, struggle to get enough shut-eye, or sleep too many hours in the day. You must find that healthy balance and prioritise getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep daily.

Create a sleep schedule for yourself where you go to bed at the same time every night. Minimise the number of distractions around bedtime, such as Netflix, social media or working long hours. 

5. Set realistic goals for yourself

Goal setting isn’t just reserved for your New Year’s resolutions. It is never too late to begin making positive changes in your life. Depression can often make you feel like you are far from achieving your goals, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You can achieve those goals as soon as you put your mind to them.

Remember that it needs to be realistic because if you are setting unreachable goals, it might make the depression worse. 

So write out your goals to see what you are working towards. This will help keep you motivated to achieve it. And if that makes you feel slightly overwhelmed, break down your goals into more bite-size pieces. 

6. Challenge your negative thoughts and feelings

With depression, there are a lot of negative thoughts and feelings that arise within you. Unfortunately, these feelings and thoughts often become so loud and overwhelming that you start suppressing them. 

It may be time for a new game plan. The next time a negative thought or feeling enters your mind, acknowledge the idea, feel the emotion, and allow yourself a few minutes to linger. Then toss it out by challenging your negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones.

7. Take out a health insurance plan

As an insurance company, we are sure you saw this one coming, right? But taking out an affordable health insurance plan can better help you cope with your depression. Why is this? Having reliable health insurance takes a lot of unnecessary stress off of you. 

This is because if you need to see a doctor or specialist or go to the hospital, there will be a dependable structure in place for you. The best part is you will have access to private doctors and hospitals. You can also submit your claim before seeing the doctor or specialist, which means you will receive the money before the appointment. 

And remember, if you are suffering from depression, there is immense power in asking for help. Find trusted people you can speak to or reach out to communities that understand what you are going through, such as the South African Depression and Anxiety Group

Yours in affordable health insurance,


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