5 Ways to Avoid Burnout


When it comes to our health, mental well-being tends to take a backseat to physical ailments. We’re giving you the tips you need to avoid burnout and make your mental health a priority.

The truth is that we are all adults, which means accepting a certain level of work stress. From looming deadlines to never-ending Zoom meetings and emails galore, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. So much so, that we begin to slowly burn out, which can be a tough thing to reverse. And so, if there is anything worth remembering, it is this: no workplace is worth the price of your sanity and happiness.

Okay, back to the topic at hand.

Breaking the cycle

If you really think about workplace chatter, we live in a society that praises people that always seem busy. Showing off how many tasks you need to do, pulling all-nighters, and mentioning how late you left the office seems to get you a weird badge of honour. The issue here is that there is no glory in overexerting yourself for your job – we promise.

Throwing your work/life balance out of whack has serious consequences. Burnout will negatively impact your physical and mental health. If you’re a business owner, this will affect your business too and your overall profit margins.

But what exactly is burnout?

Defining work burnout

Did you know that burnout is now recognized as a medically defined condition? That’s right! When you are experiencing burnout, it is an actual condition where you experience serious mental and physical exhaustion. When you are feeling burnout, even the smallest of tasks can feel like climbing a major mountain.

Burnout is generally caused by long-term work stress that you chose to ignore. Remember that your body always communicates with you. It tells you when you are hungry, annoyed, or even stressed. When you’re burnt out, it’s from you ignoring those bodily signals that you needed rest.

What are the symptoms that I should look out for?

Keep in mind that burnout looks different for everyone. Our bodies react differently to stress, so this isn’t the “blueprint” for burnout. That being said, if you do experience some of these symptoms, you might be on the brink, if not already experiencing, burnout.

Here are the signs to look out for:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and emotionally and physically exhausted.
  • Lacking in motivation.
  • Experiencing negative emotions.
  • A drop in job performance.
  • Health problems – such as digestive issues, obesity, heart problems, and depression.
  • Greater difficulty in concentrating or carrying out normal tasks.

How to prevent burnout

The only way to overcome burnout is to be proactive, so if you were hoping that there was a magical, easy way to prevent it, prepare to be shocked.

You have to be committed to your mental and physical health, which means putting in the work. But don’t panic, these tips are easy to action and even easier to merge into your everyday life.

1. Stop glorifying stress and being overworked

You need to reprogramme your mindset that you do not fall into the trap of believing that a hurried, stressful lifestyle is healthy. Stress and being overworked is not a requirement for success. Break the chain of unhealthy work habits and understand that as much as your office needs you, you also need yourself.

2. Get in tune with your body

Do you remember how earlier we were talking about the importance of knowing when your body is speaking to you? Well, that point is so important that we are mentioning it yet again. Remember that your body cannot take good care of you if you do not take care of it.

Listen to those indications when you feel thirsty or tired and act accordingly. Listen to your body because, more often than not, it knows better than you do.

3. Schedule in self-care

In the same way that you schedule in all of your work meetings, you also need to schedule in moments for self-care. Whether that is doing a quick workout, taking a nap, reading a book, or more, this is YOUR time. If you see these breaks listed in your diary, you are more inclined to actually do them. Remember to be strict with yourself and commit to these moments of self-care.

4. Speak up

There is absolutely no shame in admitting that you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. You should never shy away from asking for help whenever you need it. Whether that is seeking to your superiors at work or seeking the help of a personal counsellor, speaking about your stress can make a world of difference.

5. Get health insurance

There are so many indications that our mental and physical health is at risk. Thankfully there are private doctors and specialists who can easily help you. However, if you are worried about affording these services, Oneplan Health Insurance has you covered. We provide you with access to private healthcare so you can take steps towards a happy, healthy, and burnout-free life.

Mental health is not something that should be taken lightly, which is why we pay you BEFORE you see the doctor, so that you can focus on getting better without worrying about the cost. We also know how important it is to find a doctor who truly understands your needs and provides you with quality care, which is why we let you keep your favourite doctor with no networks.

Remember, investing in your health and joining the Oneplan Health Family is one of the best investments you can ever make. Sign up online today or get in contact with our team so we can help you prioritise your well-being.

Your Health Family,


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