Here’s why you need to invest in affordable health insurance

affordable health insurance, oneplan health insurance, health insurance

Affordable health insurance means you can access private hospital care and day-to-day benefits. Whereas medical aid can be very expensive. At Oneplan, we believe that you should feel as secure and protected as possible in the face of such events.

So, how can you prepare for this?

You can prepare for this by having an affordable and comprehensive health insurance package that caters to your life and well-being. So, it’s time to start thinking of health insurance as the ultimate investment in your safety and well-being in a world where you always need to be prepared.

Did you know that only 16,5% of South Africans have medical cover — this means that the remaining 83,5% of the population are unprotected. Leaving their fate up to public healthcare facilities that we all know lack the funding, staff, and equipment needed to treat the hundreds of patients seeking medical attention daily.

You could be waiting in a line for hours on end and sometimes receiving mistreatment at a public hospital. The beauty of affordable and comprehensive health insurance is that you don’t have to deal with additional stress when a crisis strikes. Instead, you can just focus on getting better!

Health Insurance is there to give you peace of mind with:

  • receiving comprehensive care in case of an emergency, and
  • how any potential emergencies will be financed.

Injury and illness are a part of being human and are usually out of our control. That is why Oneplan believe that accessibility to exceptional healthcare should be afforded to you when and where you need it.

Health Insurance with Oneplan isn’t difficult!

So, why do you think you might be procrastinating about getting health insurance?

Could it be due to the anxieties surrounding the process, legalities, and affordability? If you answered yes, we are here to tell you that at Oneplan, we pride ourselves on making all three of those things a walk in the park.

You won’t have to change your family doctor or worry about not getting the appointment money back. You will also have access to our team of experts in both the medical and insurance fields. Our team consists of qualified nurses who are integral to our claims team.

You might be wondering, “This all sounds great but will this process truly be this easy if something happens at any point?” “Does the process get complicated then?” Our confident answer? No.

Oneplan values your time, which is why we hold instantaneity to a high standard: one minute to get insured, one minute to claim, and one minute to get paid. This easy process is made possible through our Oneplan app and Onecard.

With the app, card, and high-efficiency standards, Oneplan ensures that the stress and complications of insurance are lifted from your shoulders when you are ill or injured.

So, what are you covered for?

Oneplan Health Insurance aims to cover you on all things essential. So we go beyond only offering great hospital benefits, and this is because we understand that it isn’t always the extreme emergencies that add up to the bill, but in reality, it’s those day-to-day appointments and specialists in between.

For this reason, you will be able to invest in affordable and comprehensive health insurance that covers a range of essential healthcare facilities and professionals such as:

  • scripted medication
  • doctor visits
  • pathology (blood tests)
  • specialist cover
  • optometry
  • dental cover
  • extensive casualty cover, and
  • dread disease.

It’s so important to think of the bigger picture

No one like to think that something terrible might happen to them, and we are not here to try and scare you. Instead, Oneplan is here to encourage you to be prepared for whatever life might throw at you.

Insuring your health early on protects you from having to apply for health insurance in the midst or aftermath of a severe illness, which becomes a complicated process for the insurer because of a thing called Pre-Existing Conditions.

A Pre-Existing Condition refers to a medical condition (a disease or illness) that was in existence within the first twelve (12) month period ending on the date on which inception was made or in existence within the first three months during the waiting period or that was newly diagnosed within the first three months from the Inception Date of the policy, whether it was known or unknown to you.

Having said this, we have your health and the health of your loved ones at the forefront of our minds and would advise that preventative coverage is a far wiser choice than leaving it to chance. Being prepared is a great way to ensure less stress and encourage an effective recovery. And remember, we will be with you every step of the way.

Yours in affordable health insurance,


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