5 Prenatal Classes for a Fit and Healthy Pregnancy

prenatal classes

Expert tips on how to get your body moving safely whilst you’re growing your baby.

Exciting times are ahead! Whilst we’re sure you have many burning questions about pregnancy, we’re here to answer one: Can I exercise whilst I’m pregnant? You absolutely can. Read more to find out the best prenatal classes to participate in with a baby in your belly.

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The benefits of exercising during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy helps your body and mind feel good. Even if you weren’t an avid exerciser before, bringing some movement into your pregnancy is a good place to start. Exercise can help alleviate stress and anxiety surrounding pregnancy and boost self-confidence.

Moving your body is empowering and puts you in a positive mood. Exercise will improve circulation and help prep the body for the marathon that is labour. Labour is physically exhausting and having a certain level of fitness will help with your endurance.

Weight gain is a natural part of being pregnant, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make sure your body stays at a healthy weight for you and your baby.

Prenatal classes

Water aerobics

When it comes to prenatal exercise, low impact is what we’re after. During the last few months of your pregnancy, your joints and muscles start to take strain. Water aerobics gives you a sense of weightlessness whilst still burning a significant amount of calories.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t tread water for too long and make sure your class is in the shallow end of the pool.

Read this: What’s The Deal with Cravings During Pregnancy?

Prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga classes are designed specifically for pregnant women and will only include postures that are safe and beneficial to your pregnancy. The major benefit of prenatal yoga is that it soothes your mind and allows you to be present with your body and breathe.

As your body changes, it’s essential to set time aside to appreciate it and treat it with kindness – which is what yoga is all about.

Barre classes

If you’re after a class with great music, low impact exercises and great music, then Barre may be the class for you. It’s great because you have the support of the bar to keep your balance (gravity falls away the moment your belly gets big).

The ballet-inspired workout incorporates a lot of lunges and gentle squats which are great preparation exercises for labour.

Circuit training

It’s a myth that prenatal exercise has to be as soft as feathers. Your body is still strong and it’s okay to build up a sweat! Circuit training includes cardio strength exercises. Experts recommend that if you are doing weight training, use light weights on a fixed machine instead of lifting individual weights (again, the gravity thing).

Alternatively, you can use your body weight.

Walking club

Get chatting with some friendly people and enjoy the great outdoors – even if the “great outdoors” is a stroll around your neighbourhood. Walking gets your heart rate up and the fresh air gives you all the endorphins you need to feel fantastic.

Good to know: Breastfeeding Tips: Everything you need to know in the first week

Exercise to avoid

Heavy weight training: When you’re pregnant, your joints and ligaments naturally start to loosen to prepare the body for giving birth. Picking up heavy weights at a rapid pace is not recommended as it is easy to sustain an injury.

Hot yoga: Your body is super sensitive to heat when you’re pregnant. When exposed to high temperatures, your baby becomes at risk of developing hypothermia which can cause birth complications. Dehydration from heat can also cause premature labour.

Contact sport: You need to protect your belly and the other parts of your body, so contact sports are off the table.

Motivation for Mommas

If you’re nervous about getting into your workout routine, here’s some advice.

Be around other moms-to-be

Choose classes that focus on pregnant people. It helps to be around moms who feel as uncomfortable, hormonal and nervous as you. Of course, it also helps to be surrounded by supportive people who are all going through similar journeys.

Take it easy

You don’t need to be super-mom just yet. Your body is already doing one of the most impressive things known to mankind, so give yourself permission to take it easy. Especially if you weren’t very fit before you got pregnant.

Start with five minutes a day and work your way up. And on the days you can’t lift yourself up off the couch? You deserve to stay there!

Re-evaluate your workout gear

It may be time to press pause on your size small nylon matching set. Exercise is meant to be fun and you can’t enjoy it if you aren’t comfortable. Find a sports bra that supports your breasts and breathable leggings/pants that don’t constrict your belly. Also, remember to get some comfy shoes that support your knees and back.

Read next: Why you need health insurance when you’re expecting

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