What’s The Deal with Cravings During Pregnancy?

cravings during pregnancy

Are cravings during pregnancy normal? Why do they happen? What are some of the most common pregnancy cravings? Let’s get to the bottom of the weird and wonderful way the human body works when it’s creating a weird and wonderful human of its own!

For hundreds of years, pregnancy cravings have become a widely accepted part of being pregnant. We see the trope being played out in television series, movies, and books. Being pregnant is something you’ll only fully understand once it happens to you. It is one of the most physically, mentally, and emotionally transformative things that the human body can go through.

There is not a single part of the body that does not change during pregnancy. From your feet to your fingers to your hair to your hips, everything is changing to make space for the new life growing inside of you.

Why do women get cravings during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes

Have you ever had PMS so badly that you could inhale every second thing in the fridge? Well imagine that feeling but magnified by one hundred. Your body is being bombarded by hormones when you’re pregnant, especially during the first and second trimesters.

Hormones can play a huge role in changing the way you experience and think about food. Your mood also plays a significant role in the kind of food you crave.

Mama instinct

Remember: where there are cravings, there are also ‘anti-cravings’ i.e., aversions. Where there will be foods you adore, there will also be foods you absolutely cannot stand.

Some moms may find that they immediately lose the desire to drink alcohol and caffeine. They may find they no longer want to eat red meat due to bacterial contamination. This all comes down to natural instinct and wanting to protect your baby.

Changes in smell

This is one that most people aren’t familiar with. There have been studies that show that smell becomes heightening during pregnancy. That’s why strong odours may cause nausea and vomiting. Your body may also be drawn to a certain food because of a lovely, enticing smell.

New nutritional needs

You’re eating for two now, and your body needs different nutrients than it needed before. Pregnant bodies need more iron, calcium, and protein. Here’s where it gets tricky, though.

Your body may be craving calcium, and that craving may translate into eating an entire tub of Woolies chocolate mousse. Let us just say: do it. Eat every last morsel. But remember that it probably won’t give you the calcium you’re craving.

Comfort eating

Whilst this is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, it’s also a very scary one. Your whole life is about to change – duh, you’re growing a HUMAN INSIDE OF YOU.

Many cravings are actually a form of comfort eating. Maybe it’s food from the place you grew up or a meal your mom used to make. If it makes you happy and brings you a source of peace, power to you!

How soon do pregnancy cravings start?

Oftentimes, cravings or a change in appetite is what will drive people to test whether they’re pregnant or not. Yep, cravings can start before you’ve even seen the little ‘plus sign’ on your pregnancy test. Everybody is different and no two pregnancies will look exactly the same.

Some cravings will start later than others and vice versa. In general, cravings will start by the end of the first trimester and will start to wane during the end of the third trimester. The second trimester is usually the peak point as your body is going through a rapid growth phase with loads and loads of hormones doing their job!

Common pregnancy cravings

Although cravings during pregnancy are unique to everybody, there are a few common ones that you can accept as totally normal when and if they come up! Some common ones include:

  • Sweets
  • Fruits
  • Animal proteins
  • Dairy
  • Spicy food
  • Savoury and high-calorie foods like pizza and anything potato-based and deep-fried!
  • Or you may find yourself making weird combinations of your favourite snacks (we’ve heard pickles and ice cream are a common fan favourite!)

Remember that whatever you’re eating is fine, as long as it’s actually edible and not any of the pregnancy no-go foods (sushi, soft cheese, undercooked meat, and deli meat).

That being said, it’s important to try to be mindful of portion sizes and choose healthier options where possible, as eating too many sugary foods can increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Additionally, although weight gain during pregnancy is normal and healthy, excessive weight gain during pregnancy can pose problems for mom and baby.

How to maintain a healthy diet while pregnant

Here are a few tips on how to maintain healthy habits while also managing cravings during pregnancy:

  • Eat a varied and nutritious diet that includes lots of fruit and veggies, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins like chicken, fish, and turkey, and pasteurised yoghurt.
  • Make sure you keep a few healthy snacks handy such as nuts, crackers & cheese, or veggies and hummus. This can help avoid sugar fluctuations that will make you more likely to experience cravings.
  • Try to get some kind of physical activity in your day (unless your doctor has advised against it), even if it’s just a short 15-minute walk at lunch time.
  • If you’re having a craving, see if there is a healthier option you can swap it out for, e.g. if you are craving ice cream, try having a homemade fruit smoothie or frozen yoghurt instead.

On a final note, if you are not experiencing any cravings during pregnancy, there’s no need to worry! Roughly 76% of woman experience cravings during pregnancy, which means that around 24% of women do not. The most important thing is to listen to your body and to eat what feels right for you.

If you have any concerns about the type or frequency of your cravings, it’s best to speak with your doctor, who will provide you with advice specific to your needs and pregnancy experience (which is when you’ll be grateful to have Health Insurance).

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*Please note that a 7-month waiting period applies to new policies. Thereafter, there is a waiting period of 4 months from date of conception.

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