Four brain food for kids

kid eating fruit, kid eating watermelon, happy kid

Kids are the future of this world — they are the ones who will guide us into the next era. Such a big task means that we must ensure that we’re giving them the right brain foods that contain the nutrients and minerals they need to succeed and grow into healthy adults.

Let’s take a look at 4 brain foods for kids:

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This comes as no surprise, but one of the best sources of healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids is salmon which is integral for healthy brain development in adults and is even more effective for young children. 

This fatty fish (good fat) helps kids improve their mental skills and cognitive abilities. A great way to ensure your kids get the optimum level of Omega-3 Fatty Acids is to replace tuna with salmon in their next school lunch simply. Add it to whole wheat bread for a healthier alternative.

You can also look at adding a fish oil supplement to your kid’s daily vitamins. 

Did you know that another great source of these Omega-3 Fatty Acids is berries?

That’s right. Nature’s candy just got better. It’s been scientifically proven that a healthy dose of berries each day also gives your body lots of Vitamin C (more than orange juice), perfect for boosting your child’s immune system and helping them stay healthy. 

Most berries that you can buy at your local grocery store contain all of these benefits, such as: 

  • strawberries
  • cherries
  • blueberries, and 
  • blackberries.

In general, the more intense the colour of the berry, the more nutritional value it contains. 

2. Eggs

No matter how you like your eggs — scrambled, poached, or fried, eggs are a great source of protein. A little-known but important fact is that the yolk in eggs contains choline which is highly effective in promoting memory development.

To incorporate this superfood more into your child’s diet, try a homemade breakfast burrito filled with vegetables and scrambled eggs for a tasty and highly nutritious breakfast before school.

What’s something else that most of our kids just love? You guessed it…

3. Peanut butter

This creamy and tasty spread is packed with Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect nerve membranes and keep your child’s brain functioning at a higher level. 

Once again, when preparing a peanut butter sandwich for your children, make sure to use whole grain bread, which contains B Vitamins essential for the nervous system and general physical and mental well-being.

4. Oats and oatmeal 

Studies show that oats and oatmeal is an excellent source of energy and contain all the fuels that your kid’s brains need, such as Vitamins E, B Complex, and Zinc. Add a touch of honey and/or cinnamon to make this meal an exciting breakfast treat. 

All in all, there are a lot of ways to improve mental health and vitality in children through simple and easy changes to their daily diet. Great options also include lean beef (or a meat alternative), dairy products such as milk and yoghurt, colourful vegetables, and beans. 

Ensure to provide your kid with fruit and vegetables, their daily amount of vitamins and some healthy snacks to keep the strong and healthy. Yours in affordable health insurance,


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