10 Tips for Making Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

meaningful new year's resolutions

You know the drill: your dad is going to run the Comrades for the first time at 63 and your uncle is smoking his last cigarette at midnight. Auntie is starting her morning meditations, and you? Well, you just want to stick to something, anything, for 12 months. Fear not, we’re going to tell you how to make meaningful New Year’s Resolutions that you can finally follow through on in 2024.

As 2023 draws to a close, we edge closer to the days where every second person wants to know: What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Making resolutions for the New Year is a tradition as old as time that helps us, as the complex beings that we are, to move forward into the new year with our sights set high and with endless visions of self-improvement.

Unless you happen to have an iron will (which we don’t doubt some of you do), you’ve probably fallen victim to the February of Shame where you have to sheepishly sip on your glass of chardonnay you had publicly sworn off of for 12 months.

We love nothing more than a good ol’ plan of action, which is why we have compiled ten effective ways to make sure you finish your year with the same energy and focus that you started it with.

10 Ways to Set Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Achieve

1.     Set the tone

Sometimes, we slip up on our resolutions before the first day of January is over. Known to be a night of binge drinking and early morning push-throughs, the way you’re spending your New Years Eve could be impacting your goals for the year ahead.

Decide on what you want to change in 2024 a few days before the New Year’s festivities begin. This will give you a few days to chew on how you’re going to start, what starting entails, and how you’re going to get off on the right foot come the 1st of January.

For example, if your resolution is to be more mindful, consider a social media free New Year’s Eve or spending the night with family and friends instead of a huge rager (not that we have anything against a huge rager).

2.     Make it attainable

There is nothing wrong with having sky-high goals. We encourage it! However, having goals that simply do not fit into your schedule, lifestyle, budget, or capacity is only going to leave you feeling disheartened.

You and only you know your body and your mind, so it is up to you to have an honest talk with yourself about what you can and can’t achieve. If you are going to decide to run your first triathlon when you know you have bad knees, we can only predict frowns and tears.

3.     Have goals, not ideas

A resolution is a disciplined act to resolve or change (for the better) an old behaviour or habit. The problem with resolutions is that, all too often, they are annoyingly vague. Making broad, sweeping statements is the first mistake that is setting you on the path to the February of Shame.

Saying, “I want to eat healthier” is far less effective than “I am going to cook three new whole-food recipes a week.” Ideas you can imagine, but goals you can track and identify. Write them down, set dates for check-ins and reviews, and make 2024 your year, baby!

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4.     Have a plan for when it’s tricky

Whether we like to admit it or not, there are going to be some downs to accompany the ups that come with making better life choices. It is so important to have a plan for what you’re going to do when your self-discipline or confidence begin to dip.

When you start to feel yourself slipping into old patterns, have a pre-set plan that you don’t even have to think about.

Feeling like skipping your workout? Phone your yoga-freak friend to remind you why you need to look after yourself. Looking longingly at the box of ciggies at the garage shop? Make your favourite meal!

5.     Understand the why

A resolution without a little soul searching will most likely fall flat, in all honesty. Before you decide on what you want to bring into 2024, have a look at your resolution with an objective lens. Know the reason, the motivation, and the cause of your goals. Figure out if this is the right time, how you’re going to get it done, and what you expect the outcome to be.

6.     Visualise, visualise, visualise

We cannot emphasise enough the power of visualisation. The human brain is so much more powerful than we know, and the law of attraction states that what we can think, we can have.

Take time each day to close your eyes and see yourself carrying your resolution consistently and easily throughout the year. See yourself successfully celebrating your new life at the end of the year and visualise exactly how it will feel to have a healthy body, calmer mind, or whatever you have decided to dedicate this year to.

7.     Make it known

Shout it from the mountain tops! Letting friends and family know what your resolutions are is a way to hold yourself accountable. If nobody knows your goal is to stop drinking, nothing is stopping you from cracking open a cold one at the next rugby match.

A cool thing to do would be to convince (not force) somebody to join you or at least decide to embark on a similar resolution. Motivating others is a great way to motivate yourself.

8.     Track your progress

It’s satisfying to be able to see your journey from start to finish, but also to be able to examine your journey along the way. Keeping a journal, taking pictures, or using an app to track your progress is an effective way to keep you in line with your goals. Having a hands-on approach is one way to keep yourself focused and to heighten your sense of involvement in your resolutions.

9.     Pick yourself back up

You are only human. Repeat that to yourself ten times, okay? If you slip up, don’t fall victim to the idea that there’s no point in carrying on.

Your resolution is still your resolution even if you have a few hiccups – it doesn’t say anything about your character or your capacity. What does say something about your character is how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on carrying on!

10.  Do your best, life will do the rest

You’re a rockstar that has the potential to do pretty much anything you set your mind to. Start your 2024 off with the idea that you absolutely have got this, and nobody can get in your way.

We have the utmost faith that this year will be the bomb.com – and so are you. If you are consistent, enthusiastic and dedicated to your goals, there is no reason they can’t be attained.

We are with you all the way and can’t wait to be a part of your 2024 journey.

Your Health Insurance Family,


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