Undeniable proof that you need car insurance, today

car insurance

Car insurance is considered a grudge purchase, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. But you will be kicking yourself when you really need car insurance, and you don’t have it.

If we had R10 for every time we heard “Car insurance is too expensive” or “I don’t need car insurance” or “Why do I even need to insure my car?” we’d be some pretty wealthy individuals. When you’re in this line of business, you pretty much hear it all. And to be honest, we get it.

When you pay a monthly premium for something that seems ‘non-existent’ or something that you can’t physically see, it can be a little annoying. But like we said, in this line of business, we’ve pretty much heard it all and we’ve also heard “I’m so relieved I had insurance” and “My car insurance saved me thousands of rands.”

So yeah, car insurance can be annoying to pay for every month, but holy moly will you be grateful for it in the end.

Read also: Is car insurance the same thing as a motor warranty?

Proof that you need car insurance

You like saving money

At the end of the day, a good car insurance policy will end up protecting you and your family from incurring huge expenses when the time comes. You are so much better off investing in car insurance each month knowing that you are protected than having to fork out loads of cash in the future.

You want to protect yourself and others

In many cases, car insurance will help you protect yourself, your family members or passengers, and other drivers on the road. If you’re ever in an accident, you want an insurance policy that will take care of any property or injury costs that may come about.

You love saving time and avoiding unnecessary hassle

There is nothing worse than going through a stressful, potentially traumatic ordeal and then still having to deal with logistics or admin afterwards. The time after an accident can be filled with back-and-forth conversations and negotiations, paperwork, and payments. This can become time-consuming and tedious.

With a great car insurer, you can avoid negotiations with other drivers and any property owners that may be involved in the accident. Not to mention you’ll avoid the ludicrous costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle. Your insurer should assist with towing, repairs or replacements and cover some additional costs. Your insurer should be your best friend in a tough situation.

You want peace of mind

Everyone makes mistakes but you don’t want to make the mistake of not having car insurance. When you have a good car insurance policy, you can feel confident and protected while out on the roads, especially if you encounter an uninsured or underinsured driver.

Why do you need car insurance with Oneplan?

With all this proof that car insurance is the best idea, we want to discuss our insurance policy with you too. We’ve mentioned multiple times that you need a good insurer because there are some insurers out there that give all of us a bad name. We make sure that we aren’t one of them.

Unlike many insurers who only offer third party cover, Oneplan Car Insurance is always comprehensive.

Whether it’s theft, a hijacking, fire, damage from an accident or total loss, not to mention third party cover as well, we have you covered. Another fantastic thing about our car insurance is that we let you choose and manage your car insurance monthly premium directly from your smartphone through the Oneplan App. All of our car insurance policies are based around your risk profile where a few key factors are kept in mind.

These factors are your sex, marital status, age, previous insurance claims, the type of vehicle you have and of course, most importantly, your budget. With all of this information in mind, you are then able to choose your own excess. Yup, you read that right, you choose your own excess! You can now tailor your insurance policy to exactly what you need and what you can afford.

How to choose your excess

The amount you choose for your excess is a personal choice that is dependent on your needs, lifestyle and budget. A higher excess means you can have a lower premium and save some money here and there whereas others prefer a higher premium because they know they may not be able to pay their excess in the event of an emergency which will save them money later.

To determine an excess amount that suits you best, consider asking yourself a few questions like “am I on the road a lot?” If you are, then you should possibly consider a lower excess amount because you may end up paying more than the average driver who spends less time on the road.

“Is my vehicle high value and expensive?” in most cases, an expensive car means a more expensive insurance policy which can often mean that having a higher excess amount may bring your monthly premium amount down.

Like we said, car insurance saves you money, but Oneplan makes sure that our car insurance policies are catered directly to you, your lifestyle and your budget. At the end of the day, we don’t want your car insurance to be a grudge purchase. We’re all about saving you money.

Your Insurance Family,


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