The Top 5 Immune Boosting Vitamins to Add to Your Diet

immune boosting vitamins

There are vast amounts of vitamins on the market these days. Trying to find the ones that are effective is a difficult task and no one wants to be taking an entire handful of pills in the morning not knowing what they do. That’s why we’re highlighting the 5 best immune boosting vitamins that will keep you as healthy as possible.

Taking vitamins is often a controversial topic because some people believe that taking vitamins is an essential part of being healthy while others believe vitamins don’t do anything.

To be fair, the majority of the vitamins our bodies need are given to us by the food we eat but if you aren’t eating a balanced diet or you feel like your health is lacking some essential vitamins then keep reading, we’re identifying the vital vitamins you should be taking.

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Benefits of taking vitamins

As mentioned above, many say vitamin supplements are unnecessary but there are some vitamins that you might be lacking if your diet isn’t completely balanced. Taking vitamins will help you in a variety of ways such as boosting your immune system, strengthening muscles and bones, aiding your metabolism and helping your body perform better.

We suggest making sure your diet is packed full of nutritious meals that will naturally give you the vitamins you need, take a look at article. These are the top 5 vitamins your body needs – your body still needs all of the other vitamins too but if you feel like your diet isn’t helping you get the right vitamins then these are the ones to supplement.

Top 5 Immune Boosting Vitamins

1.     B Vitamins

These vitamins are vital to producing energy in your body, helping your immune system function efficiently and helping your body absorb iron. If you would like to add more B vitamins to your diet, this crucial group of nutrients can be found in whole, unprocessed foods, specifically whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chilli peppers, beans, yeast and molasses.

2.     Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes healthy bones, helps your immune system and the productions of skin cells. The best place to find vitamin D is outside in the sun as the sun stimulates vitamin D production. You can also get this essential form of nutrition from eggs, fish and mushrooms.

3.     Calcium

Calcium is the one mineral our parents always told us about. If you want healthy teeth and bones then you need to have calcium. And of course, you can find calcium in dairy products like yoghurt, cheese and milk, along with tofu and black molasses.

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4.     Iron

Iron is vital for building muscles naturally and maintaining healthy blood. When you have low iron, this can cause you to have anaemia which reduces the oxygen flow to your blood. This can leave you feeling extremely tired, light-headed and dizzy.

To make sure you have enough iron in your body you should try adding some more to your diet! You might be surprised to know that clams take the top spot for iron content, followed by oysters and organ meats like liver. For the vegetarians among us, soybeans, cereal, pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils and spinach are great sources of iron.

5.     Magnesium

This mineral plays an important role in muscle contractions. It is also a natural muscle relaxant and can help smooth muscles, including your intestines. It also helps another essential vitamin, calcium, to be easily absorbed. It can be found in natural sources such as spinach and other leafy greens, almonds and beans.

You may have noticed that we mentioned many foods that these vital vitamins can be found in, this is because it is always better for your body to naturally absorb and receive these vitamins. If you feel that you do consume all the above-mentioned foods but still need an extra source of vitamins, all of these vitamins can be found at your closest pharmacy!

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Your health is a priority

Over and above ensuring that you are getting immune boosting vitamins and minerals for your body, you need to make sure you are taking all the steps to ensure you are always at your healthiest.

This means ensuring you can make it to regular doctor’s checkups or making sure you’re investing in preventative healthcare measures. This is where health insurance can take your health to the next level.

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