The ultimate guide to spring cleaning your digital space

Ipad, Apps, Social media, Digital, Technology

It’s time to declutter your virtual environment so you can begin reaping the benefits in your physical life too! Keep reading to find out how to do it!

If there was ever a perfect time to give your devices, apps, and online accounts a good decluttering, it is now. This is your moment to be proactive in protecting your privacy, safeguarding your identity and prioritising your wellbeing. So, sit tight and get ready to take some notes as we take you through this handy list of easy digital spring-cleaning tips that will transform your virtual (and mental) wellbeing.

Clean your browser

Over the last few years, your browser has basically become your digital junk drawer that’s slowly accumulated unused data, random cookies, cache files, and so much more. And it’s probably gotten to the point where it’s starting to affect your devices. So, to help you get your speed and space back, clear out that junk drawer and clean your browser.

Now we already know what you’re going to say: “But I’ll have to re-log into all my sites!” and here is our response: “That’s the point!”

Yes, logging into all of those sites again may seem tedious, but you need to be willing to welcome a little bit of inconvenience, all in the name of cleanliness and security! You will thank yourself for it months down the line.

Play “keep” or “trash” with your mobile apps

You know how with your typical spring-cleaning sessions, you declutter your closet and decipher which items will be kept and which will be tossed? Well, you need to apply the same thinking to your mobile apps too. Now is the time to ask, “Do I actually still need that?” or “When was the last time I was even on this app?”

We can all be guilty of app hoarding; it’s an easy trap to fall into. That said, it doesn’t mean that we should accept the chaos. So, get deleting.

Be honest with yourself and truly delete apps that no longer serve you. This way, you aren’t taxing your device or even sharing personal information and your location unnecessarily on various apps.

Update those passwords that you’ve had for AGES

Yes, it’s human nature to want to stick to the very same passwords forever. We get it… Coming up with something new that meets all of the password requirements is a headache in itself. But it is also the best way to keep yourself safe.

Think of your passwords like a seatbelt – you need them before an incident arises to keep yourself protected. So, every time you use your weak password or avoid using two-factor authentication, you’re basically driving through the virtual world without a seatbelt – putting yourself at risk.

So yes, while it may be a hassle to redo your passwords, it is a great way to help keep your digital space safeguarded so you aren’t exposed to hackers or major data breaches.

Hit that unfollow button – now!

This piece of advice is centered around protecting your mental health and wellbeing. So often, we tend to follow people on a whim and later discover that they make us feel inadequate or garner up feelings of comparison.

When you are online, it’s about curating your feed that only shows information, photos or any content that makes you feel happy, fulfilled, and grateful. Anything else is toxic. Spend time going through your followers and unfollow or mute any accounts that don’t make you feel good in any way.

Always remember that your feed is YOURS. It should only include things that you want to see. There is so much power in that unfollow button, so leverage it, and you will see that you aren’t just decluttering your feed but your mind too.

Sweep up the cobweb in the corners of your inbox

Generally, when it comes to email inboxes, most people either fall into one of two categories: those who regularly keep their inbox at zero (yes, these people do exist) and those whose email inboxes are in the triple or even quadruple digits.

Now, generally, most people fall into the latter camp. That being said, even if you have been able to master the art of keeping your inbox empty, it doesn’t mean that you should be actively wasting hours of your day sending certain spam emails to your deleted folder.

The point here is that we have all signed up for marketing emails at some point for whatever reasons. And while at some stage they did serve a purpose, they have easily become spam now. So instead of sending those emails straight to the trash, why not undo your subscription?

This is the time to roll your sleeves up and rummage through all of those email subscriptions that you signed up for and hit that unsubscribe button. Not only will this help clear your inbox and keep you sane, but it will make you a little more cautious the next time you subscribe to a mailing list in the future.

The main idea here is that you need to be proactive in your pursuit of a cleaner digital space. The best part is that once you have a peaceful virtual environment, your physical environment will shortly feel the same too!

Yours in holistic health insurance,


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