Stay Healthy This Winter: 10 Tips for How to Not Get Sick

how to not get sick

Are you ready for winter? 10 ways to fight off the flu, beat the cold, and stay healthy this winter by getting your immune system winter-ready.

We have all felt the change in weather recently, the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and that crisp morning air is starting to call for hotter cups of coffee and slippers.

And with winter comes colds and flu. That’s why it’s important for you to know what you can do to stay healthy and keep a balanced and strong immune system this winter.

The Power of Your Immune System: Your Body’s Natural Defense

Your immune system is basically like your body’s own natural system of defence that helps protect it against harmful bacteria and viruses. Imagine a whole bunch of security guards on the lookout for anything harmful in your body and when they find something bad, they work as hard as they can to destroy it.

This is sort of why you feel so tired and weak when you have a cold or the flu. It’s because your body is using all the strength it has to try and heal itself and get better.

Here’s How to Not Get Sick this Winter:

1. It All Starts with Your Diet

So many people don’t realise just how great a role their diet plays in keeping them healthy. It’s recommended that you cut back on the take-out food options, and make sure you are including more whole foods in your diet.

Legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts, fresh fruit and veggies, and healthy oils such as olive oil or coconut oil should be the base of your diet. Try to avoid any processed meats, fried foods, soft drinks, or white flours. Eating these unhealthy things prevents your immune system from functioning properly.

2. Vitamin C

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great sources of this awesome vitamin which helps to strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy! Foods such as oranges, lemons, and dark green veggies contain high amounts of vitamin C.

3. Spice Things Up

Use spices and herbs when you are cooking such as garlic, onions, pepper, cayenne pepper, and turmeric. They have wonderful properties when it comes to keeping you healthy.

4. Drink More Water

Water is more important for your body than you think. Water helps in the production of lymph, which helps to transport white blood cells (fighter cells). That means that when you stay hydrated, you are helping your body stay strong.

5. Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Sleep

When you don’t sleep enough at night, your body is not rested or strong enough to fight off bacteria and viruses. You need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.

6. Take Probiotics (The Healthy Kind of Bacteria)

Did you know that about 80% of your immune system is located in your digestive system? This means that having a healthy gut helps you to stay healthy! Probiotics are a great way to achieve this and are found in yoghurt as well as fermented foods such as kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut. You can also take probiotic supplements from your local pharmacy.

7. Try to Stay Away from Antibiotics

If you can, avoid antibiotics. These medications have been known to destroy not only bad, but also good bacteria in our digestive systems. So, rather stick to a more natural alternative unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

8. Don’t Forget to Exercise

Exercising not only helps you to look great, but it also helps you to feel great! By exercising for 30 minutes or more a day you can improve your mood, boost your immune system, alleviate stress, and even sleep better.

9. Get Some Vitamin D

Soak up the sun for at least 10 minutes a day without sunscreen on so that you can get a fresh dose of vitamin D.

10. Go for a Check-up

Before the winter season hits us hard, make sure you go to your doctor for a check-up! This way he or she can make sure you are in tip-top shape and give you some advice to get healthy and ready for the approaching flu season. Of course, going to the doctor doesn’t come cheap – unless you have health insurance.

Health insurance helps you afford private healthcare and those day-to-day trips to the doctor. For those who find medical aid expensive, it can be a more affordable option to consider and, if you choose, you could keep your Medical Aid Hospital Plan and take Oneplan Health Insurance to cover those day-to-day benefits.

If you get Oneplan Medical Insurance (that’s us), we pay you before you see the doctor with our Onecard claim card and App so that you don’t have to worry about having the money to get better quickly. Get an online quote and if you choose to sign up online you can even double your over-the-counter medication benefit for the first year of your policy*.

*Limited online only offer so act fast!

Your Health Family,


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