Self-care this Valentine’s Day: will you be your Valentine?

valentine's day

As the 14th of February comes nearer, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to feel the love and put yourself first!

It’s that time of year again – the shops are dripping in red and white, and you can’t avoid being accosted by teddy bears and bouquets of roses at every turn. For a lot of people (single and in a relationship), Valentine’s Day can cause significant anxiety.

Whether you are feeling woefully single or feeling the pressure of gift-giving, we want to talk about how to put yourself first and make sure the 14th of February leaves you feeling really great about yourself (because hey, you really are worth being showered in some self-love).

Looking after your health and wellbeing is the number one way to show up for yourself. Think about it this way – if you were caring for somebody you loved or perhaps for a small child, you would do everything you could to make sure they were well-fed, rested and surrounded by positive, joy-inducing activities and people. It’s so strange then how we forget to do the same for ourselves. You are just as deserving of your time and attention as anybody else.

Valentines Day has very quickly become about symbols of love and not necessarily acts of love. There is a big difference between the two and the route you choose will impact how fulfilled and valued you feel.

Since we’re talking about matters of the heart: 5 Simply incredible ways to improve your heart health

Here are our tips on how to make sure your wellbeing comes first this Valentine’s Day!

Move your body

Start the day off with some endorphins! It’s impossible to regret moving your body, once it’s done we feel on top of the world and rightfully so. Deciding to start your day off with a morning sweat is going to set an energised, confident tone for the rest of the day (and prep you for the insane chocolate fiesta that could happen at any point throughout the day).

Skip the social media

Getting stuck in a social media scroll on a normal day is bad enough – now think about how it feels on the day that everybody is showing off their gifts and their “absolutely-better-than-yours” boyfriend. Not so lekker.

If you know your self-esteem tends to get a little fragile when social media is involved: switch off! We promise that nobody is going to mind and you won’t suddenly lose a huge chunk of your life. You may even get a huge chunk of your life back!

If you’re spending your Valentines with somebody special, we can’t think of a better way to show somebody you care than having a digital detox. Let your loved ones know that being with them and being present with them is something that makes you happy.

Give back

With everything that is going on in the world, Valentines Day may seem a bit too superficial to celebrate this year. Consider spending the day focusing on how you can show love to others by making a difference in their lives. Spending the day doing volunteer work will fill your love cup in incredible ways.

Stay home

Restaurants are overwhelming and although we do love to show our support to the chefs, waiters and staff that have had a tough year, we can’t help but think a Valentines night-in would do wonders for your mental health.

You can avoid the pressure of last-minute bookings and menus with an SQ for every second meal and instead stay inside with the one/s you love. Choose a meal that you know you knock out of the park every time or surprise yourself with trying a dish you’ve never cooked before!

Reach out

There is nothing that upholds love like having a genuine conversation between two people who care about one another. When we feel down (as a lot of people do over this time of the year) we may find ourselves isolated from our loved ones.

Related: 7 Tips on Giving Your Family Support for Mental Illness

Pick up the phone and chat to somebody who makes you happy – even a quick five-minute talk will significantly lift your mood. Reaching out to your friends and family is a huge sign of strength when times are a little tough.

Never feel like you are being a burden by asking somebody to speak with you. If you are spending the holiday with a romantic partner, reach out to another and use this day as a chance to do a recon of the relationship.

When our lives get busy, it becomes easy to become out of touch with our partner. Are your individual goals still the same? Are they still unfulfilled at work? Do they hate it when you tell them to sit up straight? You can never stop getting to know one another and good communication is the driver of love, love, love.

From the Oneplan Team, Happy Valentines Day!

Your Health Insurance Family,


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