How to Reduce Electricity Usage & Save Some Serious Bucks

reduce electricity

With increased electricity prices, we are becoming more conscious of the amount of electricity we are using. The more electricity you’re using, the more money you have to fork up, so we’re looking at some simple ways for you to reduce electricity usage in your home!

Are you one of the many South Africans working remotely from home or perhaps hybrid working? While this can come with a few benefits like missing peak hour traffic or getting in a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning, your electricity usage has probably increased quite drastically as a result.


Eskom will increase prices by 12.7% this coming financial year (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026). This means that using more electricity will have a horrible impact on your bank account.

Don’t worry though, we’ve got some simple tips to help you reduce electricity usage and protect your pocket.


Simple ways for you to reduce electricity usage:

There’s no magical fix that can just stop you from using electricity, it’s going to take some conscious effort on your part. Don’t worry though, it’s easier than it sounds!

Be more aware of phantom loads

One of the easiest ways to reduce your power consumption is to take note of appliances and devices that don’t actually turn off but live on standby. These are usually appliances that have a digital display like DSTV decoders, microwaves, clock radios or devices with remote controls like TVs or sound systems.

Did you know items with external power supplies like printers still pull electricity even when not in use? 15% of your overall electricity usage can be from these phantom loads of power that are invisibly consumed by these devices and appliances, so perhaps it’s time to unplug some appliances.

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Unplug, unplug, unplug

By unplugging chargers and other seldomly used appliances from the wall, they’ll no longer be in standby and no longer draw power! Your charger and TV are still using your electricity just by being plugged in.
A good tip is to plug all of the components of your computer or your tv and sound system into one multi-plug so that you can simply turn off or unplug everything with one switch or plug.

Make sure you unplug any devices or appliances whenever you leave the house or if you aren’t using them for a long time (bonus, you will protect your appliances from lightning during thunderstorms).

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Turn off appliances that aren’t in use

The best way to save power is to turn off anything that you aren’t using.
If you’re away for most of the day or if you’re going on a trip, turn off your geyser. You can even invest in a geyser blanket that will keep your geyser warmer even while it’s off. This will help you consume a little less energy.

Air-conditioners consume a lot of electricity too so only use them when it’s absolutely necessary and don’t forget to turn them off when you leave the room.

Pro tip: try to cool rooms naturally by opening windows and doors early in the morning or in the evening. You can also use ceiling fans or standing mechanical fans to cool the room down.

Invest in energy-saving appliances

Many appliances are now manufactured to use electricity sparingly and have eco-saving modes.
Appliances like fridges, freezers, stoves or ovens and washing machines consume energy all the time, especially if you have a large family. Consider using gas to cook, find a fridge and freezer that have energy-saving in mind, and you can also purchase a washing machine that has power saving modes or choose to wash your clothes in colder water instead of hot.

Make smarter choices

As often as you can, try to be more conscious of the power you are using and make different decisions.
Air-dry your clothes in the sun rather than using a tumble-dryer.
Make sure you turn off any lights you aren’t using. Better yet, switch your light bulbs to LEDs which use less electricity when on.
When boiling the kettle, only fill the kettle with the exact amount of water you need. This way, you won’t draw unnecessary power for the water you aren’t going to use.
Don’t leave your TV on when you aren’t watching it. Background noise is great but you’re wasting electricity! Rather play some music or a podcast on your phone if you’d like background noise.

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We hope these tips will help you to reduce electricity usage in your home, and will have you saving money in no time!

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