My dog got stung by a bee, what do I do?

dog got stung by a bee

Wasp and bee stings can be very uncomfortable for our precious pooches. Here are a few easy steps on what to do if your dog got stung by a bee or wasp…

Our fur babies are curious by nature. They love to run around and chase things, and these things often include insects. Dogs tend to stick their noses in places they shouldn’t or just end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When your dog is stung by a wasp or a bee, the trick is to stay calm. Remember, your dog picks up on your energies and if you are freaking out, then they will too.

How to know if your dog got stung by a bee

If your dog got stung by a bee or wasp, they may exhibit the following behaviours:

  • Whining
  • Holding up a paw (if stung on the paw)
  • Limping
  • Biting or nibbling where the sting went in
  • Drooling
  • Pawing at the face or mouth
  • Swelling
  • Hives (red, swollen, itchy skin)

Multiple stings might require a trip to the vet

Most of the time, if your dog is stung just once, then this is more irritating for your dog as opposed to a cause for concern. But, if your pupper has multiple stings or is stung inside their throat or mouth, then this is dangerous, and you need to get to your vet.

Insect stings can be poisonous

Bee and wasp stings are the two most common forms of insect stings. It’s not the puncture wound that causes the pain, but the small amount of injected poison.

A bee stinger is barbed and is designed to lodge into the skin, this kills the bee when the stinger detaches from its body. A wasp stinger is more painful, but not barbed (meaning it doesn’t lodge itself under the skin). These insects can sting multiple times if provoked.

Dogs are mostly stung on their faces

Dogs tend to inspect the insect with their nose and are thus stung on their faces most of the time. If your dog is stung on the nose, then this will be extremely painful for them. As mentioned, if your dog is stung, look if there is any swelling in their mouth or throat, if there is, then you need to go to the vet.

Keep an eye out for allergic reactions

Some dogs have severe allergic reactions from stings (just like humans). Signs include:

  • General weakness
  • Issues with breathing
  • Swelling that extends from the site of the sting

If your dog shows any of these symptoms, you need to take them to the vet immediately.

What to do if your dog got stung by a bee

1.     Remove the stinger

This only applies if your dog got stung by a bee. You need to remove the sting as soon as possible. Use the back of your fingernail or a credit card to flick the stinger out of the skin. Don’t use tweezers as they may squeeze out more poison into your pet.

2.     Clean the area of the sting

Using a damp cloth and a small amount of dog-friendly soap or disinfectant, gently wash around the wound, Rinse carefully ensuring no soap remains in the wound.

3.     Reduce the swelling

Use an ice pack to relieve the swelling. Do not apply the ice pack for longer than 5 minutes at a time.

4.     Make a paste with bicarbonate of soda

Create a paste with bicarbonate of soda and water and apply this to the sting site to reduce pain and extract the venom. Make sure your dog doesn’t try to lick the paste, as bicarb can cause an upset stomach in dogs.

5.     Call your vet

Keep in mind that the steps mentioned above are purely guidelines to help alleviate any pain and swelling. If you are worried and your dog is experiencing severe swelling or pain, then it is always a good idea to phone your vet for some advice on what to do right now and then take your dog to see him or her.

How to afford a visit to the vet

As we all know, vet visits do not come cheap, which is where pet insurance comes in. If you have Oneplan Pet Insurance, then we even pay you before you see the vet. All you have to do is login to our pawsome Oneplan App, load your claim and the funds will be transferred to your Onecard within seconds.

We believe in making pet insurance that is easy to understand and easy to use, giving you more time to do the things that matter most, like going for long walks in the park with your precious pooch. We also let you go to any vet of your choice and have amazing cover for both routine and emergency care.

Just get in touch with one of our team members, check out our plans on our website, or even get a quick and easy online quote.

Your Pet Insurance Family,


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