Get affordable health insurance before you’re 30

Health Insurance, Affordable health insurance with Oneplan

There’s nothing like the pressures of real-life responsibilities to help usher in the big three – zero. And while there are quite a number of things to look forward to, affordable health insurance is definitely one of them. 

Turning 30 is all about embracing change! Ask anyone in their late 20s or early 30s, and they will tell you that this time period usually comes with major changes. It’s typically when you begin to think about your future, which is why it’s often referred to as; the growth phase.

This phase is when human beings begin to look at all the ways in which we can secure our future, and that means investing. Yet many times, people forget about the most important investment that they can make, and that is in their health. Taking care of your health will directly bring you peace of mind for your mental health too. 

Now, this may, at first glance, seem like a rather unappealing addition to your current list of debit orders, but it truly is one of the greatest investments that you will ever make. 

So why prolong it? Step into your thirties knowing that your health is comprehensively covered and that you have affordable health insurance that is catered to you. You deserve to be taken care of. 

Now you might have questions such as, “Why would I buy health insurance, right now?” I am young I still have time for that, right?” But there is no greater time than the present to prioritise your health. 

So, let’s jump right into why you need to invest in affordable health insurance before you enter your thirties: 

Reason #1: Access to private healthcare

Gaining affordable access to private medical care is everything. A quick glance at any medical bill from literally any medical centre will have you thinking that adequate healthcare is just simply unattainable, and for the vast majority of people, it is.

But this just didn’t sit well with our Oneplan team because when it comes to healthcare, we believe that there shouldn’t be any obstacles between you and private healthcare professionals. 

And thanks to our comprehensive health insurance plans, you get immediate access to any private healthcare facility at an affordable rate. 

In fact, we even give you cash in your pocket (on your Onecard) before you see your doctor so that you don’t have to panic about the costs. You can just focus on getting better!

So why wouldn’t you want to take out health insurance now? Gaining access to exceptional professionals at an affordable price has truly never been easier or more convenient!

Reason #2: You save money

This may sound like a bit of an oxymoron; spending money to save money, but stay with us because it will all make sense in a minute. People often see health insurance as yielding very few returns, because you aren’t exactly at the doctor every second of every day. But here’s the thing: people who believe this have yet to experience the benefits of Oneplan health insurance — because your investments will definitely pay off.

Let’s create a little scenario, shall we?

You are in an unfortunate situation where you get into an accident. Now to receive proper healthcare, you will most likely have to dig into your savings for the treatment. But are your savings efficient enough to cover all of the costs? 

Probably not. And even if you are able to scramble up enough to cover everything — you really shouldn’t have to. 

Let your savings actually be your savings. We want to take care of the bills — all you have to do is let us.

Save your money for other things. We’ve got the medical bill sorted because no health-related issue should ever break the bank or have you incurring serious medical debt.

Reason #3: Your health will be in flux

The sad truth is that getting older isn’t cheap. As we age, our health might start to deteriorate; joints become a little more fragile, our bad posture begins to kick in, and our cognitive functioning may be affected. 

And while we are sure that you will be ageing with absolute grace, it is best that you begin predicting the future by adequately preparing for it.

Every single day we run the risk of putting our health and well-being in danger. The reality is that accidents happen, from slipping and breaking a bone to an accidental tooth chip. And we see it every day in our industry which is why we cannot stress enough how important it is that you understand the nature of your health and how it could be in flux.

You are only as healthy as you want to be. Yes, this means joining in some fun outdoor exercises and taking care of your physical health! It also includes not only taking care of your mental health but prioritising it. 

The last element of self-care is ensuring that you have comprehensive health insurance that will cover private hospital care for you and your family. Because your health may be in flux, you can have peace of mind knowing that our support and health insurance never will be.

Affordable health insurance is not only there for medical emergencies but also for day-to-day doctor’s visits.

Yours in comprehensive health insurance

The Oneplan Team

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