Just got your first job? Consider getting health insurance

Health insurance is a must from the moment you start in the big world of work – it’s more affordable than medical aid, can save you thousands in medical bills, and will ensure you don’t miss a day of work by keeping healthy.

Getting your first ever salary is probably one of the most exciting and rewarding things to happen to you as an adult. You are finally earning your own money.

No more asking your parents to borrow some cash to see your mates, or not being able to do the things you wanted to do because well, you were broke – we’ve all been there.

Of course, you probably still aren’t earning the amount you would like to be getting, but that will come in time. For now, you get to enjoy the sweet smell of freedom that comes with your new job, and we hate to bring it up, but you are probably also starting to work out what your budget is in terms of the lifestyle you can afford.

We assume that you are also aware of just how much it costs to see a private doctor or worse, get admitted into hospital.

To be clear, just a trip to the doctor can set you back about 400 bucks! And that’s not even including the medication! A night in a hospital can cost you a couple of thousand Rands.

If you can’t afford medical aid

Now, you’re probably thinking, “I can’t afford medical aid!” and in all honesty, not a lot of people can.

But before you start stressing about the responsibilities that come with being an adult, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel – health insurance. Health insurance is basically a form of medical cover that’s more affordable medical aid. If you get Oneplan Health Insurance, then you are making an awesome choice and here’s why:

  • We offer day to day and in hospital cover (meaning you can go to the doctor or the hospital)
  • Our plans are more than just hospital plans because they cover a range of other daily health care visits.
  • Oneplan Pay’s you BEFORE you see the doctor, so that you don’t have to worry about having the cash to make that doctors appointment.
  • And we don’t work with networks so you can keep the doctor of your choice.
  • Our health insurance plans start at R450 per month – that’s pretty affordable right?

For more information, take a look at our health insurance plan comparison chart.

Here are our top 3 reasons why you need health insurance from the moment you start earning your first income:

1. You don’t have enough money for savings yet

You just started your new (and first) job and having enough to buy groceries and pay rent at the end of the month already stretches your salary far enough, never mind actually being able to save some money.

And you certainly do not have about R50 000 stashed away right now for medical emergencies. The thing is, if you are in a car accident or need to have surgery for some reason (such as needing to have your appendix removed), then this will cost you a whole heap money (we are talking tens of thousands).

This is where medical insurance comes in. Health insurance allows you to have access to private healthcare as and when you need it, meaning you don’t have to break the bank for medical emergencies (or even a visit to the doctor) as the costs are covered according to your specific policy.

2. No one can predict when accidents happen (and they do!)

You might be in very good health right now and think to yourself “I’m healthy, I don’t need health insurance. I hardly even go to the doctor.”

But you couldn’t be more wrong, and here’s why:

From car accidents, emergency surgeries, a nasty chest infection that gets worse – accidents happen and you are NOT invincible. Broken bones, food poisoning, a bad fall down the stairs – all these things can land you in hospital or casualty.

Imagine your hard-earned salary suddenly going towards a medical bill and you having to even take out a loan to afford private healthcare. Believe it or not, this can happen.

If any of the above does happen to you (and we hope it doesn’t), then your health plan is there to help cover the costs of emergencies.

3. With a new job, comes new stress which can weaken your immune system

You might be all excited right now, but with every new job, comes new responsibilities and pressures of the working world. From deadlines to early Monday morning meetings and late nights at the office trying to finish your latest project. Even a bad boss can cause an immense amount of stress, never mind a terrible co-worker.

All of these factors can cause a huge amount of stress for you to have to deal with. And stress is known to weaken the immune system. This means that you might have a higher chance of getting sick and as you know – doctors don’t come cheap!

You can rest up by having a medical certificate. With Oneplan, our affordable, comprehensive health insurance plans cover up to R380 per doctor’s visit and up to R160 per script – and that’s on our most basic plan!

So, when your first salary comes into your back pocket – do your finances a favour and get yourself some affordable health insurance. Life is complicated, insurance shouldn’t be.

Your Health Family,


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