If you are considering taking out a pet policy to help cover the costs of a pet emergency that you are currently in, you will definitely want to read on about pet insurance with no waiting period.
If we are being completely honest, most pet parents only consider taking out pet insurance when they are in the middle of an emergency. Why? Because it seems like the best way to avoid all of those hefty vet bills. However, by only taking out pet insurance when you are in the middle of a crisis, you’d be in for a painful (and expensive) shock.
A common mistake
See, the first thing you need to know about pet insurance is that it is not only for pet emergencies. It is actually for everyday use. From regular vet visits to dental check-ups and routine cover, pet insurance is a form of holistic care.
If you are under the impression that pet insurance will only save you from emergency bills, then you are missing out on the true beauty of these policies. Your pet deserves the best and the only way to guarantee their health and happiness is with preventive care. No other form of protection will level that of pet insurance and its ability to help you thoroughly take care of your fur friend BEFORE anything bad happens. But what if I want pet insurance to cover bills now?
Accident plans/benefits are available for serious emergencies that occur after inception of a policy. But for any other cases, unfortunately, that cannot happen. The entire insurance industry has what is often referred to as a waiting period. A waiting period is a specified amount of time that HAS to pass before you can claim from your insurer.
Simply put – you cannot claim during this period of time. A waiting period will start as soon as you take out your policy and will only apply to certain conditions and claims. This is also applicable to ALL pet insurance companies. Yes, you read that correctly, every single one. You won’t find a pet insurance with no waiting period as this is standard industry practice.
So why doesn’t pet insurance with no waiting period exist?
Naturally, as true animal lovers, we would want to help you out the second that you need us because we know that you and your pet need protection. But in the same way that you need protection, so do we. By enforcing a waiting period, we are able to make sure that we prevent people from getting insurance based on the fact that their pet needs urgent treatment. It also acts as a means of protection for insurers against pre-existing pet conditions. Naturally, some pre-existing illnesses lay dormant and may only become apparent after a few weeks. This means that if it’s detected beforehand, the insurer will only have to cover what happens after the waiting period is completed.
Oh, but just as a little heads up, Oneplan actually covers pre-existing conditions. You can find out more about it here.
Is there any way to circumvent a waiting period?
Oh, how we wish we could say yes, but unfortunately you cannot. But there is a silver lining here. The best way to get over the waiting period is to insure your furry friend as soon as possible. As in, the moment you bring your cat or dog home, you should call our team and sign up for a policy.
The more time you waste, the longer it is going to take for you to access all of the incredible benefits and perks that await you and your pet. By taking out a policy sooner rather than later, the waiting periods will be over before you know it.
Just make sure to keep an eye out on the various waiting periods, as different benefits have different time frames before you can claim.
What factors affect waiting periods?
There are also certain factors that may affect your waiting period, these include:
- Certain health conditions of your pet
- Your insurer and policy type
Finals words on waiting periods
Although there isn’t a pet insurance with no waiting period, our worst nightmare would be having to reject your claim because you were submitting one before your waiting period is over. It makes us feel bad and stressed, which is why we encourage all new pet parents to get familiar with their pet policies. Take some time out, grab a coffee and read about your waiting periods and the terms and conditions of the policy. That way, you know when you can start claiming and we can all benefit from you and your pet accessing the best medical attention in the country.
Your Pet Insurance Family,