For many of us, an annual general check up with your GP is not the most exciting thing to do but is still very necessary.
Having an annual check up can help catch any looming health issues early. Although you may not be looking forward to your next GP visit, it will help to take note of the following things to discuss in order to get the most out of your general check up.
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1. Weight
This is a sensitive topic for a lot of people, but it is nonetheless an important one: weight.
It’s all good and well to feel comfortable with your weight, however if it’s something that may affect your health, you should take it seriously. Many of us don’t have the medical expertise to judge whether we are at a healthy weight and BMI (Body Mass Index), so it is best to consult with your GP on your dietary requirements and BMI at your next visit.
2. Long-term Medication
If you’ve been on any long-term medication, an important question to ask is: Do I really still need to be taking this? This is not a question you should be asking yourself, but rather your health care professional. Medication, as we all know, has many benefits in ensuring one’s wellbeing, but our bodies and needs change over time.
You can discuss with your GP whether you may need to tweak your medication prescriptions here and there over time to make sure you are getting the therapy that you really require while at your general check up. Also ensure that you consult your doctor about correct dosages.
3. Age
Here’s a fact: whether you like it or not, age is a factor. This is certainly nothing to feel bad about, but it is important to know whether any diseases or illnesses may be more common in your age bracket.
It is wise to consult with your physician on your next visit to see if you should be more aware of any ailments that are age-related and if it may best initiate annual screenings for a particular condition or common risk illnesses.
4. Family Medical History
Another thing to take into consideration when going for your next doctor’s visit is your family history. Are you aware of any conditions that may be common in your family tree? It is worth mentioning if your family has a history of cancer, heart disease, stroke and hypertension (high blood pressure), to name but a few examples. Any information regarding major medical conditions experienced by family members may be pertinent.
Hereditary illnesses can often be prevented or cured if you’re aware of them, so make sure to bring this up in your next check-up so that your physician can determine whether you are at risk or not.
5. Sleep
Do you ever find yourself spending your days in a bit of a haze, feeling lethargic and low on energy? It may be that you’re not getting enough sleep! The modern world has gotten increasingly fast and as a result many individual’s sleep patterns are being negatively impacted. Are you part of that group?
It’s a subject that is often not taken seriously enough. Have a conversation with your health care professional to ensure that you are getting the right amount of sleep so that you can always be on your A-game!
There are a lot of things to take into consideration when visiting your GP, but consider these tips the next time you make an appointment so that you can get the most out of your general check up.
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