5 Simple and Interesting Facts About Car Airbags

car airbag

Here is what you need to know about car airbags and what your safety has to do with them (#5 will surprise you!).

Safety is one of those things that you simply cannot afford to take any shortcuts in. From making sure you have reliable and affordable to help cover the costs of an accident, to seat belts that work properly, a car that is roadworthy and safe and ensuring your airbags function correctly – these are all things that you need to have in place for the safety of your loved ones and you.

What a number of people don’t realise, is that car airbags have a lot more to them than you think.

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5 Facts About Car Airbags

1.     What is an airbag and how does it work?

Airbags were first put into cars in the 1970s, they then became a compulsory safety feature for most cars and have saved the lives of thousands of passengers and drivers around the world. They are normally placed in the dashboard of your car, the sides of your car and in the steering wheel.

Some cars have multiple airbags, others only have two (one for the driver and one for the passenger). When the airbag is installed, there are also a number of sensors placed with it too. These help to detect the state of your car and also if they need to inflate when you are in an accident – they are rather clever inventions!

If you crash into something, then the airbag will immediately deploy, this means it will fill up with gas for about 0.2 to 0.5 seconds and then slowly start to deflate. This cushions you from the impact and could save your life. When an airbag is deployed, you HAVE to have it replaced by a qualified mechanic. No questions asked.

2.     Do you have to maintain airbags?

Many people think they do not have to maintain their airbags, but you actually do. It’s easy though, just make sure you keep an eye on the warning lights on your dashboard and make sure you have them checked when your car is in for service.

If you see that your airbag light is on, then make sure you get your car to a mechanic as soon as you can – you don’t want to take any chances.

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3.     Will an airbag hurt a child?

Buckle up all kids who are younger than 12 in the back seat. An airbag can sometimes hurt a child and even be fatal for very small children. It is also advised that you encourage your child to ALWAYS buckle up the moment they sit in a car, this could save their life as they get older.

Always remember to never place a child-safety-seat that is rear-facing in the front of your car as your child will then to be too close to the airbag and can be seriously injured if it is deployed.

4.     Can an airbag go off accidentally?

There have been some cases where car airbags fail to deploy during a car crash or when some airbags go off for no reason at all. An accidental airbag deployment might be due to some errors in your car’s safety features, some extreme environmental conditions, or tampering with the airbag system.

This is why you should always get your airbags checked during services.

5.     What injuries can airbags cause?

Because an airbag is a bag of gas that suddenly deploys when crashing into something, or something crashes into you, it can often hit you quite hard (not as hard as not having an airbag would) in order to save you from hitting the steering wheel or something else. You may suffer from bruises in your upper body or even wrist injuries.

We know that seatbelts and car airbags can often save your life during a car crash, but the thing is, having affordable car insurance that lets you choose how much cover you want at the price you can afford can save you from going crazy when trying to cover the costs of an accident.

Read next: On the Scene: What to Do After a Car Accident

Your Insurance Family,


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