5 Effective Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health

spring cleaning

The flowers are blooming and the temperatures are rising. Use this change in the season to start spring cleaning your health and general wellbeing with this list of simple tips.

The end of winter means we get to spend more time outside, fire up the braai and get into the warmer swing of spring. Finally – the mornings of snoozed alarms, frosty lawns, and big jackets are over – it’s time for dresses, shorts, and smiles.

This might also be a time of year when you schedule a good spring clean around your home. And while that’s a great way to declutter your home and give it a thorough (and well overdue) clean, we decided to turn the tables a little bit and give you some awesome ways to spend time spring cleaning your health (and your family’s health).

And here’s how:

Our Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health

1.     Book your health appointments

The first thing you need to do is schedule those healthcare appointments you would normally put off for another month. We are talking about the dentist, the optometrist, the dermatologist and your GP. Routine healthcare is more important than you may realise.

Related: Do I Have to Go to the Dentist? 7 Gross Things That Will Happen if You Don’t

If you are worried about the expenses associated with private medical care, then health insurance can help with that. Health insurance is an affordable alternative to medical aid and gives you the same access and care from private medical professionals as a medical aid. There is a range of healthcare plans to choose from, and the best part is that all of our plans include GP cover and cover for day-to-day costs.

If you’re already on a medical aid but you find that all your savings have typically run out at this point in the year, then it might be a good idea to get gap cover to help you prioritise your health appointments without dipping into your pocket. Oneplan GAP Cover even lets you use your savings when you are within your MSA savings threshold!

2.     Spend time outside

A good dose of vitamin D is so good for you! In winter, your vitamin D levels tend to drop a bit because we don’t spend that much time outside. We get vitamin D from sunshine.

This vitamin is so important for a number of functions in our bodies, and building strong and healthy bones is one of them. It’s a good idea to spend about 10 minutes every day soaking up some rays. If you are outside for longer than this, make sure you wear sunblock or protective clothing.

3.     Stop putting off the gym

Yup, we said it. It’s time to stop procrastinating and putting off those dreaded workouts! The trick is to find exercises you enjoy. This could be a morning stroll around your neighbourhood or even a run. Pop into your local gym and find out about what classes they have on offer.

Read this: The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise: 6 Reasons to Break a Sweat

You never know what new and exciting things you might find and enjoy. A good idea is to team up with a friend and make them your designated workout buddy. That way, you can both motivate each other to exercise.

Try to workout for at least 30 minutes every day. Once you start to implement exercise into your daily routine, you will noticeably feel a difference in your health and your confidence.

4.     Eat better

Let’s be honest – summer bodies are never built in winter. We tend to spend more time watching series on the couch and eating comfort food than we do hitting the gym during the cold months of winter.

A big part of the way we look and feel is dependent on what we eat. Everything you put into your body can affect you negatively or positively. The trick is to implement healthy eating as a lifestyle and not as some “get thin quick” diet. Try to skip refined carbs like white bread and cut as much sugar as you can from your diet.

You’ll be surprised as to how many healthy and yummy options there are to regular junk food. And if you want that slice of cake once a week, then go for it. It’s okay to reward yourself from time to time. But make sure you stick to a healthy eating plan 80% of the time.

Discover: No more food fights: 10 tips on fun & healthy food for kids

5.     Make sure your health and the health of your family is covered

Everyone knows that private healthcare is expensive. Which is why so many of us choose to wait in the long lines at public clinics to receive medical attention. The sad truth is that so many public clinics are understaffed and lack the funds and equipment needed to tend to patients.

But affording private healthcare is an expense so many of us cannot afford. This is where health insurance comes in. We already touched on what health insurance is, but it’s a good idea to spend some time looking into this form of health cover for you and your loved ones.

For a small monthly premium, your family and you can receive the medical attention you deserve and not have to pay for the bills out of your own pocket. Get in touch with us today and we can chat with you about your health insurance options. The best part is that we even pay you BEFORE you see your doctor of choice.

Your Health Insurance Family,


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