How to Warm Up Your Car This Winter: 6 Tips

how to warm up your car

When the mornings start getting colder, the thing on all our minds is how to warm up your car so that the first half of your drive to work isn’t absolute torture!

Let’s be honest, of all the situations that winter so aggressively forces us to endure, like keeping our homes warm, protecting our immune systems staying healthy and sorting out our seasonal vaccines, sitting in a freezing cold car with our breath fogging up the windscreen is definitely one the worst parts of the day. Neverminded finding the will power to touch the ice-cold steering wheel.

But the truth is that, as much as we’d all like to avoid our frosted cars or driving with frozen feet, there is often no way to avoid this for people travelling to work or dropping kids at school in the early morning.

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So, for those of you that have had to brave the frigid mornings and be up before the crack of dawn, this blog is for you because casually waiting for your car to eventually warm-up is now a thing of the past! We’ve got a way for you to feel the heat – without wasting petrol!

So, let’s see how we can get your vehicle nice and toasty as soon as possible.

Our Tips for How to Warm Up Your Car

Drive, don’t idle

Yup, this one may come as a surprise to many of you because when it comes to most ‘car warming tips’ idling your car always reigns supreme. But this isn’t a good idea at all. In fact, it’s incredibly harmful to your car.

As any car or any car enthusiast will tell you, driving your car will actually warm up your engine a lot quicker! Idling your car in your driveway takes a lot longer because while the engine may be on, it isn’t actually doing any work! Getting some tar under your wheels will help produce heat at a rapid rate.

So, don’t grin and bear the cold – get on the road!

Take it easy

Okay so now that we’ve said that you should rather drive instead of idle, we know that you’re probably ready to speed your way to warmth. But that is incredibly dangerous (NEVER speed) but also puts a lot of strain on your engine.

As long as your car is moving, your car is going to get nice and warm, so ease up on the gas. It will get warm in a few minutes – trust us!

Discover: 3 reasons why you should never drive on an empty fuel tank

Get the heat going

Once you’re on the move, we suggest cranking up the heat. Now while most modern cars have the option to have heat throughout, we suggest aiming the warmth from the feet up. Why?

If you remember sitting through science class, you’ll remember your teacher saying something about hot air rising. Well, the same goes for the heat in your car. As the heat rises, the entire car will begin to warm up too as you drive around!

Park indoors

Admittedly, we may not all have garage space or perhaps your garage is more of a makeshift storage unit than it is a space for your car but if you have the option to park under covers – do it!

Because it’s an enclosed space, your garage will basically work like an insulator and keep your car from frosting up or experiencing the early morning cold that it would usually experience if it were parked in your driveway.

Get a windshield cover

You may think that windshield covers are meant to keep the sun out of your car during summer but you’d be wrong. It’s a lot more versatile than that! They’re great for winter too! By placing a windshield cover on, you’re keeping any potential sleet off of your car. It also works as a great insulator!

All you have to do is pop it on whenever you leave your car and simply take it off when you’re ready to go! No shivering needed, just shake it off and keep it moving!

Read this: 6 essentials for your car emergency kit

Get comprehensive car insurance

Now we know that you’re probably wondering what insurance has to do with warming up a car. But they’re actually directly linked! See, with Oneplan Car and Household Insurance, we are all about easy, simple and comprehensive cover. And that includes ensuring that your car is healthy during these frosty winters.

This winter, we are keeping you safe, warm and covered because you deserve to have complete peace of mind at all times!

Your Insurance Family,


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