How springtime allergies affect our dogs

The beauty of spring means that trees are gaining their leaves again and flowers are blooming but that also means allergies. Just like humans, spring allergies impact our doggos. Keep reading to find out how and what you can do to help.

Spring is the start of something new. Nature continues her loveliness as the rain makes its way and the sun extends its warm rays. Spring doesn’t only bring with it an array of beautiful blooms but it also brings allergies.

Many humans aren’t aware but allergies impact our pooches very similarly to how they impact us. Allergies are usually just majorly annoying but if they are severe and persistent, they can lead to more serious health complications.

Make sure you know what to look out for to ensure your doggo is comfortable and healthy this spring.

What causes spring allergies in dogs?

As the air changes during the transition of seasons, our dog’s immune systems start to pick up that something in the air is a little different and it tries to protect your doggo from it.

Dogs are commonly allergic to:

  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Weed pollens
  • Mould
  • Mildew
  • Dust

Parasites like ticks and fleas can produce symptoms that are similar to allergies so make sure you know what to look out for.

How to identify allergies in dogs

For us humans, airborne allergens like pollen and mould usually give us runny noses, watery and itchy eyes, sneezing and sometimes breathing issues. It’s a little different for dogs though.

Pooches who struggle with allergies experience almost all of the symptoms through their skin. Red and irritated skin that’s inflamed is a pretty big indication that your doggo is suffering from seasonal allergies.

Other common symptoms include:

  • Excessive licking or over-grooming of a specific body area
  • Bald or thinning patches in their fur
  • “Hotspots” (areas where the fur is absent and the skin is inflamed)
  • Itchy, smelly ears which cause head shaking.
  • Persistent face rubbing

Whether your dog is experiencing one or many of these symptoms, it will give you a clear indication that they’re struggling with allergies.

How to prevent allergies in your dog and how to treat them

Regular baths can help remove pollen, dust, dander and bacteria from your pooch’s skin. It’s important to also wash your doggo’s ears to help remove dirt and bacteria that contribute to inflammation and irritation.

If your dog suffers from allergies, when they come inside from playing outside wipe them down with a wet wipe. Wipe their belly, their paws and their legs. This can help remove the allergens from their body.

You could also give your furry friend regular paw washes that can also reduce the allergens your dog brings into your home.

When to see the vet

If your pooch is persistently struggling with their allergies, get them checked by your vet. Your vet can do a physical exam, and laboratory tests, and offer some medication or therapy to help.

A veterinary dermatologist uses specific skin tests that can identify the specific allergens that your dog is most sensitive to and offer tips on how to minimise exposure as well as offer a treatment plan specific to your dog’s health needs.

Even though seasonal allergies happen every single year, you can help reduce the impact they have on your dog’s well-being and comfort levels. With proper treatments and a prevention plan, you can make sure your doggo is happy and healthy to enjoy all their springtime adventures!

It may take a little while to figure out exactly which treatment or preventative measure is right for your dog. But with a little trial and error, you’ll figure out how to keep seasonal allergies from slowing down your furry friend.

Yours in pawsome pet insurance,


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