Gearing young drivers towards low insurance premiums

Contrary to popular belief, paying for car insurance as a young driver doesn’t have to break the bank. Need a little proof? Here it is. Owning your own set of wheels is everything. There’s nothing quite like it.

That new feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair, the speakers blaring, the recently deleted Uber app — What could be better? Well for starters, knowing that your vehicle is covered by a comprehensive car insurance policy — that’s for sure a good place to start.

First-time drivers under the age of 25 typically pays more for their insurance premiums — and this isn’t because insurance companies hate the youth (promise!) but rather that you’re relatively inexperienced on the road. Meaning that you pose a higher risk for accidents when driving.

Now, before you start panicking that you’re going to be burning a hole in either your parent’s or your own pocket, let’s explore why you need car insurance and how we’re going to help you bring down those monthly premiums.

First things first why do you need car insurance?

Having comprehensive and affordable car insurance is a great way to protect yourself and other drivers in case of an accident. You might be tempted to skip out on this monthly expense but don’t your future self will thank you.

So, what can you as a young driver do, to keep those premiums down? Let’s take a look:

1. Practice makes perfect

Make sure to test out your new wheels (safely obviously) and improve your driving skills. We aren’t saying that you should drain your petrol tank, but do keep up to date with the latest defensive.

We, therefore, suggest applying for a few driving courses. Before you roll your eyes at the mere thought, it’s important to show that you have good driving skills. Remember we are trying to keep you away from your liability status. So, invest in a good driving school and improve your road safety knowledge as soon as possible.

2. Less is more

It’s time to think a little smaller. To put it simply: the lower the engine power, the lower the premium. This is because high-powered engines are seen as more dangerous. Those fast and furious moments will come at a hefty price, so if you are in a position to choose your own vehicle, opt for one with low-speed capabilities and a low-powered engine.

3. Safety First

Security is a big deal. Rev up all security measures in your vehicle! This will substantially reduce your monthly premiums. Opt for cars with central locking systems or add a tracking device. If you can then do both! Parking your car in a locked garage or behind an automatic security gate will reduce your premiums too.

4. Say no to pimping your ride

We know that you’ve got your playlists ready to blast in your very own car but adding features like upmarket sound systems put your car at risk for a higher premium. Adding over-the-top tires, rims, and boot spoilers will ultimately increase your premiums. Why? Because this makes you a likely target for theft.

So try and keep your vehicle in its plain and original state and your wallet will thank you!

Owning a car is exciting. This excitement can quickly turn sour when suddenly you’re hit with various hidden insurance costs. Thankfully with Oneplan, your insurance package is tailored specifically to you at a price that suits your budget. With us, you are able to cover as much as you want for as much as you want. It really is as simple as that

Let our team of insurers share in your excitement and help create a quality insurance package that you can afford. What’s better is that you are offered instant claims, zero vehicle inspections, a simple vehicle validation process, and adjustable coverage.

It really doesn’t get any better than that!

Ready to get covered? Get a quote now!

Yours in affordable car & household insurance,


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