At What Age Can Your Pet Get Pet Insurance?

get pet insurance

As a pet parent, it is easy to wonder when you should get pet insurance for your pet, given their age. Wonder no more as we help you find out if your pet’s age is going to affect their access to the best medical coverage.

If you have recently been exploring various pet insurance companies, we’re pretty sure you have seen a number of related FAQs. One of the most searched questions, however, is how the age of your pet will influence their insurance eligibility.

And so, if you have been searching for answers to this question, you can close all of those other Google tabs because everything you need to know is right here!

Discover: Adulting 101: Why You NEED Pet Insurance More Than You Might Think

To get pet insurance, you need to figure out your pet’s age

If we are being completely honest, knowing your pet’s age isn’t exactly knowledge that most pet parents have. Years blur into one another, we adopt pets without knowing how old they are, or we rescue our fur babies and never really check their age.

The issue here is that if you are planning to get pet insurance, this is information that you need to know. In fact, even if you aren’t taking out insurance (which you really should be) your preventative care strategies will change depending on your pet’s age, so you will need to know this information regardless.

How do I find out my pet’s age?

With the current booming digital age, we have no doubt that there are a number of pet blogs detailing how you can figure it out. More so, we have come to realise that there are even YouTube tutorials that are said to help you figure out the age of your pet. However, we shouldn’t have to tell you that these options are NOT the way to determine your pet’s age.

The only way to get an accurate reading on your pet’s current age is to take them to a registered veterinarian. They will expertly look at the following elements:

  • Eyes
  • Teeth
  • Ears
  • Muscles
  • Coat

What is the ideal age to get pet insurance? The answer is so easy: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The younger your pet is, the better! As soon as you bring home your new pet (after cuddling them, of course), you need to prioritise enrolling them in pet insurance.

The sooner you enrol, the cheaper it is as your pet is less likely to have developed any pre-existing conditions (which pet insurers do not cover). You will also ensure that your pet is able to access the best medical care early on. This means that they will benefit from which will help prolong their lives!

Read this: Chronic care for pets: Caring for your pet with a chronic illness

At what age is your pet considered a senior?

According to several local veterinarian facilities, small dogs are generally considered “senior” at 7 years old while large dog breeds are given this label when they are 5 or 6 years of age.

For cats, they are generally seen as senior when they fall between the ages of 7 and 10. Keep in mind that knowing this information will help you determine the care your pet needs and the insurance coverage they are eligible for.

What do you do if your pet is considered a senior?

The issue here is that this means that they may not be eligible for pet insurance. A quick Google search will reveal that most pet health care plans only cover your pet’s up until a certain age.

But this doesn’t mean that they cannot receive the care that they deserve, because there is still a way that your senior pet can get access to the best medical facilities around. Your best option in this scenario is to take out Accident Only cover (only R80 with Oneplan). While this may not have all of the bells and whistles of comprehensive pet insurance, it covers all the important stuff.

Related: Oneplan’s Accident Plan: Accident Only Pet Insurance with No Age Limit

Your senior pet will be able to access any medical professional in the event of an accident. This is also a win for you as it means less pressure on your wallet as the surprise costs involved with an accident will not be your worry. Accident Only cover is also significantly cheaper than comprehensive pet insurance, so again, another win for your wallet.

The main takeaway

If you were to take away one thing from this blog let it be the following: understanding your pet’s age is a crucial point of information to get pet insurance for them that will best suit their needs. It will help dictate your pet’s health journey to ensure that they live their happiest, healthiest lives – all without you needing to break the bank. Essentially, it is a win-win for all.

Your Pet Insurance Family,


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