Here’s What You Need To Know About Car Hijacking In SA

Car Hijacking In SA

Car hijacking in SA, as well as other vehicle crimes, affects us more than we may be aware of.

There is so much more to hijacking than simply losing your vehicle. There is the trauma associated with the incident and of course, unless you have car insurance, massive financial implications. Experts believe that most hijacking cases involve criminals who have conducted detailed investigations of their victim’s daily routines to pinpoint the exact place where they should plan their attack. The majority of victims who notice some strange and suspicious behaviour in people watching them (i.e. the criminals), do not report these incidents because they don’t believe that anything can be done about them.

It is also thought that a number of people take the situations into their own hands instead of handing it over to the police – not a good idea.

It is always best to notify the police if you notice any suspicious activity as this could stop any potential crimes from taking place and save a number of people (you included) from having your vehicle stolen or being a victim of a hijacking.


Here’s what you need to know about car hijacking in SA, according to the experts.

How hijacking victims are selected:

Like we said, hijackers carefully select their victims, i.e. the target – before they strike. Extra care will be taken to target the vehicle owner, often choosing those who are less likely to fight back when confronted during the crime.

The ‘target’s’ routine will also be closely monitored – when they leave for work, when they return from work and so on.

There is also a ‘crime community’ where hijackers share information with one another which serves as a means to gain additional info on their supposed targets or tricks to perform the crime. If you are looking over your shoulder right now, then we don’t blame you!


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The cost of vehicle crimes in South Africa:

Here’s what vehicle crime costs South Africa each year:

  • South Africa loses billions of Rands each year due to vehicle-related crimes: There are incidents that occur every single day and roughly R45 billion is spent on personal security annually.
  • The government spends roughly R44 billion on police services every year.
  • The national estimation of vehicle crime is about R9 billion each year and a 5th of this expense is for personal security.


The reasons why people steal cars:

  • Vehicles are stolen or hijacked to then be used for another crime (i.e. getaway vehicles and so on). Vehicles are then sold to neighbouring African countries.
  • Cars are stripped for spare parts to be sold separately.
  • Luxury vehicles are often stolen to be used as a symbol of status.
  • Advances in technology such as central locking make the use of jamming devices easier for hijackers.


How to avoid becoming a victim of car hijacking in SA:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and take notice of any suspicious activity like the same people watching you come out of your driveway every day.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police.
  • Ensure your vehicle is always locked and windows are closed when stopping.


For extra peace of mind: Make sure you have simple and affordable car insurance to save you from having to spend all of your own money on replacing a stolen car. Did we mention that you can also adjust your premium to suit your pocket – it’s pretty great. Learn more here.

We hope that you feel better equipped and informed about car hijacking in SA, and wish you safe travels!

Your Insurance Family,


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