Pet Insurance & the Death of a Pet: What Am I Covered For?

death of a pet

How much it costs to put a pet down and how pet insurance can help cover those costs. We find out everything you need to know about your pet healthcare cover during the difficult time of the death of a pet.

There are a million things to love about being a proud pet parent. From the endless joy, laughter, memories and playtime, there is nothing quite like having a furry member of the family. But the horrible thing about owning a pet is that their life is bound to end before our own.

There is nothing worse or more heartbreaking than having to make the decision of letting a pet go. Many pet owners struggle to cope with such a horrible situation, and we don’t blame you. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s possibly one of the hardest things to go through in your life.

But when you have the financials in order before this time comes, this gives you one less thing to worry about. If you are a proud pet parent, then you are already well aware of the fact that vet care doesn’t come cheap. The prices of pet medical care are closely comparable to those of medical care for humans.

That’s because the advances in veterinary care are incredible and allowing our pets to lead longer and healthier lives than they ever have in the past. To afford these high costs, pet owners are turning to pet insurance.

Related: How Much Will Pet Insurance Really Save Me?

The reason for pet insurance

What’s interesting is that pet insurance was actually invented by a vet who could no longer stand to see his financially strapped patients opt for pet euthanasia as they could not afford the expensive treatment required.

In many cases, pet insurance quite literally means the difference between life and death when it comes to our pets. Pet medical bills can skyrocket and before we know it, we have maxed out our credit cards and savings accounts in an attempt to save our pet’s life.

In exchange for a more than affordable monthly premium, pet insurance helps protect you from the costs of both expected and unexpected medical expenses. But what happens when it’s time to say goodbye to your beloved furry family member? What role does pet insurance play in this situation?

The death of a pet and pet insurance

Cost 1: Euthanasia

The cost of euthanasia (putting your pet to sleep) will depend on your chosen vet. This can cost between R500 and R1200.

Cost 2: Cremation

A number of pet parents opt for cremation. The cost for this, with euthanasia included, is about R2 500. It can take about one to two weeks for the ashes to be returned to you. Your vet might allow you to choose between a wooden box or an urn.

You can then store the ashes in an urn or box of your choice for safekeeping in your home or garden. Some pet parents prefer to scatter the ashes in a place that they consider to be special to their pet. Some vets offer “bio trees” which you can purchase at an additional cost. Here your vet will place your pet’s ashes into the soil of a special little tree which you will receive in a pot.

Read this: What does excess mean in pet insurance? Plus 2 ways Oneplan lets you waive excesses

You can also choose to purchase your own tree and plant this in your garden with your pet’s ashes or have it in a pot in your home. Plants grow exceptionally well with ashes. If you like, a good idea is to ask your kids to make a special box or clay urn for your pet’s ashes. This is a great way to involve your family in the mourning of the death of a pet.

Cost 3: Burial

The cost to bury your pet will depend on your chosen pet cemetery; it is free if you choose to bury your pet in your backyard.

What does pet insurance cover when it comes to the death of a pet?

With Oneplan Pet Insurance, we include up to R1 500 cover for burial/cremation/euthanasia. This benefit is included in all our plans, whether you’re on the Accident Only Plan all the way up to the Super Plan – because we know how important it is for pet parents to be able to send their pets across the rainbow bridge with dignity.

How does pet insurance work?

At Oneplan, we pay you before you see your vet using our unique Oneplan Claim Card. Here’s how this works. Before you see your vet of choice (did we mention we also let you go to any vet of your choice?), log into your smart Oneplan App and load your claim. We will then transfer the funds needed directly to your Oneplan Claim Card.

You can then use this card to swipe at your vet’s rooms. This means that when the horrible time comes and you make the decision to take your dog or cat to the vet to be put down, all you have to do is preload your claim and we will transfer the funds to your Claim Card.

This means that we help to cover the expenses associated with the death of a pet, which in turn, helps to make the whole process just a little easier.

Discover: Claiming for a Pet Emergency with Oneplan Pet Insurance (3 Easy Steps)

Your Pet Insurance Family,


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