Common Yorkie Health Problems | How To Prepare

common Yorkie health problems

With thousands of Yorkies already insured by us, let us run you through everything you need to know about common Yorkie health problems and why they need pet insurance

Aren’t Yorkies just the cutest little fluff balls that ever existed? Well, we agree. For starters, here are some fun facts about the Yorkie breed:

  • Yorkies eats less compared to other small dog breeds, which means less food costs.
  • Their fur is also hypoallergenic. This means that someone who is typically allergic to other dogs won’t be as allergic (if at all) to a Yorkie.
  • They are also known to be very affectionate and loving, which makes them a great family pet. They absolutely adore interacting with people and playing.

But, of course, every breed comes with a number of health issues and illnesses, and as much as we love our precious pooches, we need to be prepared for these things to happen (this is also why having pet insurance helps cover the costs of the dreaded vet visits).

Common Yorkie health problems

There’s no reason why your Yorkshire Terrier shouldn’t live a long and happy life. However, being aware of the ailments your dog will be more prone to, along with the associated symptoms, can help you to deal with any health issues that pop up.

1. Lameness

Yorkies are prone to lameness. Lameness refers to an inability to properly use one or more limbs. It is most often associated with pain and/or injury. The most common form of lameness in Yorkies is caused by a dislocated knee which often develops in the back legs of this breed. Limping and lameness can get better, but if your dog continues to have issues with walking, then you need to take your precious poochie to the vet for a full exam.

2. Diabetes

Yorkies can suffer from low blood pressure which is often caused by stress. This results in weakness, confusion, or seeming unsteady on their paws. If your doggie starts to shiver or shake and shows a lack of energy, and his tongue or gums turn a bluish colour – then you need to take him to the vet. Other symptoms include increased thirst, increased appetite, and weight loss. Treatment such as a controlled diet and insulin injections are often needed to help manage the condition over the long run.

3. Cushing’s Disease

This is also known as, get ready for a big word here – hyperadrenocorticism. Cushing’s disease happens when dogs produce too much cortisol, which is the hormone that helps in regulating their metabolism. If your doggie is not his usual happy self and has an increased appetite and thirst, is excessively panting, and is suffering from hair loss, then take him to the vet. Your vet will conduct an exam and may prescribe some oral treatment.

4. Stomach conditions

Yorkies are known to have stomach issues such as diarrhoea. If this occurs for more than one day, then this may be a sign of gastroenteritis – a digestive issue that occurs when the stomach is inflamed. This can also be the result of giving your doggie too much human food which is often too rich for their little tummies to take on.

5. Pancreatitis

This condition is common in Yorkies and can cause serious stomach upset and disrupt the natural flow of enzymes (help break down food) in the gut. If this condition is diagnosed in your dog in the early stages, then it can be treated without any permanent damage to the pancreas taking place. Look out for diarrhoea, vomiting, and signs of dehydration. In severe cases, your doggie might have to have an operation.

Why Oneplan is the pet insurance you should choose:

  • Instant everything: sign up in one minute and get insured in one minute with Oneplan.
  • Zero paperwork, zero hassle: out with the old and in with the new – our paperless and instant claim system allows for you to upload your claim through our Oneplan App or online.
  • Get paid before you see the vet: that’s right, unlike other insurers who make you pay upfront to the vet, we pay you first! All you have to do is upload your claim and the funds will be loaded onto your Onecard within seconds for you to swipe at the vet as you would a debit card.
  • Access to your policy from the palm of your hand: instantly access your policy through our Oneplan App. You can also message any one of our pet-loving team members with any questions you may have from your app.
  • Upfront, honest, and easy to understand cover: we try our best to make insurance simple and easy to understand in every way that we can.
  • Quality cover you can afford: we offer more benefits for your premium compared to other insurers.

We hope your Yorkie never suffers from any of these issues, but it’s good to always stay one step ahead with pet insurance you could cuddle.

Your Pet Insurance Family,

Another interesting read: Chihuahuas: An essential guide to the tiny wonder dog

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