7 Spring Cleaning Tips to Organise and Declutter Your Home

spring cleaning

Spring has officially sprung which can only mean one thing: it’s time for a good spring cleaning session. And the only thing more satisfying than having an organised home is knowing that you didn’t have to completely burn out whilst doing it.

So sit back and relax while we take you through our top Spring cleaning tips where a sanitary and healthy space awaits you.

Getting rid of spring cleaning jitters

Look, organising isn’t everyone’s favourite pastime. For the vast majority of us, clutter is something that we gently push aside or ignore for another day. But if we are being real, the longer we leave our homes untidy, the worse it gets.

Besides, we can think of a million things that we would rather be doing with our day than tending to that neglected pile of clothes or garage chaos. Instead, we could be getting ready for spring with a home workout, taking the dogs out for a walk, or binge-watching Netflix (no judgements here) – the list really is endless!

See it this way: the clutter in your home can easily weigh you down, affecting both your physical health and mental health. We also, however, understand how life can be incredibly messy, so it’s easy for your space to replicate that same chaos – until now.

If there is one thing that we are all in desperate need of, it’s a fresh start, and what better way to do that than with a good old spring-cleaning session. You won’t just be organising all of your belongings, but your entire life too. Trust us. It really is worth it.

Discover: 7 Easy Peasy Home Maintenance Tips for the Smart Homeowner

Our top spring cleaning tips

Alright, so we have convinced you to transform your space, but you’re probably wondering where to begin. Well, don’t panic, you aren’t alone. Most people don’t know where to start, but spring cleaning is pretty easy to do if you follow these hassle-free steps that will freshen up your home in no time.

Just a little heads up – this isn’t your generic cleaning tutorial. Why? Because that’s boring and we know that you already know how to clean. You know the drill: moving furniture around, sweeping, dusting, mopping and polishing – the recipe kind of stays the same.

Instead, this your holistic guide to spring cleaning essentials. It’s the need-to-know information that you’re getting here!

Everything has its place

No good organising session happens without this motto, and every decluttering video on the internet will prove this to you. Now, this organiser’s anthem does have merit because everything that is in your home should have a specific place.

So, if you can’t find a good area of your home for that specific item, then it’s pretty safe to assume that it isn’t needed. Additionally, having items in dedicated places will help keep your home fresh and decluttered – yay!

You either love it or you leave it

It is human nature to hold onto things for as long as we can. We are incredibly sentimental creatures, which has its upsides, but the downside is that it means that we end up holding onto things that we don’t really need.

If you find yourself falling victim to some serious hoarding, try to put any item that you’re wanting to hold onto to the ultimate decluttering test: if you haven’t worn or used that item in the last 6 to 12 months, you don’t need it. Love what you need and leave the rest!

Stop seeing double

We are all guilty of doing this; we buy an unnecessary amount of the same item. Think about it: those 8 chargers you don’t need or the one too many lamp shades that you’ve spontaneously purchased that, quite frankly, you really don’t need.

If they all perform the same function, do away with the multiple items that just end up cluttering your space. You really (REALLY) don’t need all twelve, okay? Don’t let the fear that you might need that item again keep you from saying goodbye to an unneeded item.

Tackle one room at a time

We know that with all the excitement that you have, you probably feel like you have enough energy to tackle the whole house in one go, but don’t.

Take it one room at a time and keep working on that specific space until you’re completely done with it, and then move on to the next. Not only will this keep you more productive, but it will also keep you from feeling overwhelmed – start off small. You have time.

Bring Spring indoors

Say hello to spring by doing away with all the winter home goodies like the furs, throws, velvety pillows and thick bedding and rid your home of that winter feel.

Try to switch up your space in favour of lighter materials, additional plants and sheer materials that will help your home feel a lot less cluttered – and more on (seasonal) trend!

Related: How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget: 5 Tips

Clean down the things you’ll forget about

It’s easy to follow the same cleaning routine that you always do, but perhaps it’s time to bloom a new one. Especially since it’s so easy to forget about cleaning certain items or areas in your home.

So, here is a gentle reminder to clean the windows, flip your mattress over, wipe down your lightbulbs, clean the inside of your shower, and empty out your fridge!

Spring clean your home insurance

As we embrace a brand-new period and look to freshen things up, why not do the same with your home insurance? Unlike most insurance policies on the market, we encourage all of our Oneplan Car and Household Insurance clients to seasonally check up on their home insurance. Why? Because you can.

Whether it’s the safety elements of your home or your home contents cover, you are in charge of it all. Thanks to our flexible insurance policies, you can adjust your home cover this season to match your exact needs and budget.

Read next: Choosing the Right Home Insurance for Your Needs: 3 Tips

All you need to do is open up your Oneplan App, go over to your exclusive Sliding Scale, and adjust your cover as needed. Need to beef up your cover this season? Drag it up! Looking to decrease your monthly premium? Drag it down. It really is as simple and efficient as that!

Your Insurance Family,


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