7 Easy Peasy Home Maintenance Tips for the Smart Homeowner

home maintenance

It’s finally time to stop putting off those home maintenance tasks (like cleaning the gutters or fixing a leaky tap) and get cracking with these top tips. (Hint – these tips will save you from unexpected damage and repair costs in the future).

We get it, the holidays came and gone and now you’re busy with work, deadlines, meetings, family things and other errands that seem to occupy most of your day. But in order to keep your house in good condition and avoid costly repairs down the line, we have put together a list of simple DIY tips and tricks to get your home in tip-top shape.

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Our Ultimate Home Maintenance Tips

Clean your light bulbs and fixtures

Get rid of the dead bugs, insects, dirt, and grime in your light bulbs and fixtures. Did you know that dirty bulbs shed 30% less light than clean ones? Wipe your bulbs with a damp cloth using a mix of 30mldish washing liquid, ¼ cup white vinegar and 3 cups of water.

Evaluate your home insurance

When was the last time you updated your home insurance? Have you bought new and expensive appliances since your first home insurance policy and might need to increase your cover? Or perhaps you have beefed up your home security which might bring down your policy a little bit.

Maybe you have changed address, in which case it’s incredibly important that you get hold of your insurer to update them of your new home address. Call your insurer to make sure your home is properly insured.

Related: Choosing the Right Home Insurance for Your Needs: 3 Tips

Check your fridge

Ensure the door seals are in good shape

The door seal is a major component of your refrigerator. Keeping this seal tight will reduce the amount of electricity needed to keep your food cool or frozen. It will also prevent any premature wearing of parts and components, meaning your fridge will last longer.

To test the door seal, close the fridge door on a R10 note, then try to pull this note out when the door is closed. If you cannot pull it out with ease, then the door seals are in great shape. However, if you are able to pull the note out without much resistance, then you might need to replace the seals.

Vacuum the coils

If you have a fridge with coils at the back, then it’s advised that you vacuum these when dirt and dust start to accumulate. These coils help keep your fridge cool and will not work as effectively when they become dirty. Did you know that a full fridge uses less energy than an empty one?

Fix the leaky toilet

A leaking toilet will increase your water bill and result in you literally flushing money down the toilet. A good trick to find out if your toilet is leaking is to put some food colouring in the tank. Leave this for an hour or so and see if the colouring is leaking into the bowl.

If the tank is, in fact, leaking into the bowl, then you need to replace the flapper inside of the tank. You can chat with someone at your local hardware store to help you with this.

Fix leaky faucets

Worn-out washers are typically the main cause of leaky faucets. The washers are found inside of the faucet handles and are made of rubber which can quickly wear down. You can replace a worn-out washer by turning off your home’s main water supply, unscrewing the handle controlling the water flow of the faucet, removing the worn-down washer and dropping in the new one.

Draughty windows

Draughty windows lead to high electricity bills, especially in winter. You should check your windows once a year by inspecting the condition of the caulk.

Any caulk that is cracked, damaged or dry should be a removed with a sharp knife and replaced with a new bead of caulk along the window seam. This will help prevent any drafts and keep your energy costs low.

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Check your roof

Our final tip is to check your roof for any damage to skylights, chimneys and vents as well as any damaged tiles or areas of the roof – these should be immediately replaced by a professional.

Extra tips:

  • Clean out your gutters
  • Replace your a/c filter
  • Check your washing machine’s supply and drain hose to ensure they are not leaking or damaged
  • Remove lint from your dryer’s lint trap after each use

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