6 Tips for Dealing with an Anxious Pet This Festive Season

anxious pet

From fireworks to the change of routine, the holidays can result in having to deal with an anxious pet. Help make the holidays stress-free for your furry family members with these top tips.

To many people, the holidays are the best and most joyous time of the year. And to be honest, what’s not to love about the festive season? Everyone has a spring in their step and many of us get to have a little well-deserved rest.

However, this wonderful holiday season is not always as fun for our pets as it is for us. So, what can you do to help ease some of your pet’s stress and make this festive season as anxiety and stress-free as possible? You can start by reading this list.

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Our top tips for helping your anxious pet this festive season

1.     Calm their nerves before a road trip

Are you hitting the road these holidays with your family and your pet in tow? The trip can go a lot smoother if you manage to fit in a play session with your pet before heading off. It’s a good idea to try and exercise your dog – play fetch, go for a long walk, or even a run – before you all get in the car for hours on end. This will help alleviate some of your dog’s nervous energy.

Another tip is to pack something familiar for your pet in the car. This can be their favourite chew toy or a blanket that smells of home. If your pet is particularly nervous when travelling in the car, then chat with your vet about what medication you can give them to help calm her nerves.

2.     Create a safe room in your house

The holidays often come with a whole lot of socialising and visits from family members you haven’t seen all year. Having this constant stream of people in your house can be really overwhelming for your pet.

Because of this, you need to create a safe space or room in your house that your pet can escape to for some quiet time. Make sure this room is off-limits to visitors. Another thing to keep in mind – do not force your pet to meet new people and hang around when he or she is clearly uncomfortable.

3.     Be kind to your pet

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Our busy schedules can often lead to our pets feeling left out. Try to give your pet as much verbal reinforcement as possible and spend quality time with them.

More tips for the festive season: Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion in Dogs: Prevention & Treatment

4.     Stick to your routine as best you can

Between having your family stay over, cooking, wrapping endless presents, trying to sleep in, and hitting the road to visit loved ones, it feels impossible to stick to your usual routine. But disrupting your pet’s routine will cause a lot of unwanted stress (for both of you). Pets are like humans in that they experience stress when their routine is disrupted.

The trick is to make sure your fur baby’s diet and feeding times stay at the same to prevent any digestive issues. You also need to stick to your dog’s exercise routine. If you normally go for a walk every morning before work, then try to ensure you do this as much as possible.

5.     Pay attention to the decorations you choose

The blinking and shining lights might seem magical to you, but to your pet, they can cause some anxiety. If your pet seems anxious and scared of the decorations you have chosen, then pay attention to their reactions and take them down. It will work out better for both of you in the long run. If your dog likes to chew things, then you need to place ornaments out of reach.

Any plants you choose to decorate your house with during the holidays can also pose a threat to your pet, which is why you need to be mindful of what plants you choose. Mistletoe, for example, can be toxic to dogs. Have a look at what other holiday plants are considered dangerous for dogs.

6.     Take special care during firework displays

Fireworks can be incredibly terrifying for dogs and cats alike and often lead to a number of pets escaping their gardens and homes to try and get away from the loud noises. Close windows to muffle the sound and curtains to block out the flashes of light, both of which can cause stress in your pet.

You can also put on some calming music to mask the sound of fireworks or try distracting your pet with treats or toys. Even just giving them some reassuring pets and cuddles is a great way to help show them that they are not in danger.

From all of us at Oneplan Pet Insurance, we hope you and your furry members of the family have a wonderful holiday!

Your Pet Insurance Family,


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