5 Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet

benefits of microchipping your pet

1 in 3 pets go missing in their lifetime – here are 5 benefits of microchipping your pet so that they can be found as quickly as possible.

Many pet owners will know that feeling of panic when you spot an open gate, find that someone forgot to close the door behind them, or arrive home to the absence of the warm (often loud) welcome from your beloved animal friend. If you have a particularly notorious pet always looking for the next great escape or a furry friend with separation anxiety, you’re probably well-accustomed to this feeling.

The sad reality in South Africa is that many pets go missing or get stolen, and unfortunately, the majority of these loved animals don’t find their way back home. Thankfully, a pet-loving genius developed a small microchip that can be implanted under the skin to ensure that your darling pet can easily be identified, should they ever go missing. If this essential device is sounding unfamiliar, read on to learn more!

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A microchip is a small electronic device that is injected underneath your pet’s skin. Each microchip is encoded with a serial number that links to your contact information, such as your name, address and contact number. This unique serial number can be picked up using a microchip scanner, which many SPCAs and veterinarian offices have and use on any lost pets that walk through the doors.

And the best part? These microchips can be implanted into all animals, from your squawking Parakeet to your energic Great Dane.

5 Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet

1.     Microchipping is quick, easy, and painless

There’s no reason to feel guilty or to worry that you are putting your precious pet in any unnecessary pain or discomfort. A microchip is no larger than a grain of rice and is inserted in a matter of seconds.

The implantation of a microchip is a painless and, most importantly, affordable process. You can have your pet microchipped at a veterinarian or SPCA for around R150 – R250 and your pet will be identifiable forever!

2.     Microchips are permanent

If you have a pet that is particularly playful and adventurous, the traditional collar and tag form of identification is not a sufficient solution if your beloved animal friend goes missing. Collars and tags can easily fall off, break, or the information may become illegible after a few years of use.

One of the benefits of microchipping your pet is that once the chip is implanted, your pet will be identifiable forever. Microchips do not require batteries, are safe for your pet, and last a lifetime. Be sure to ask your vet to scan and check your pet’s microchip each year to ensure that it is working correctly, and your most recent information is stored onto the chip.

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3.     Microchips are connected to a nationwide database

Lost pets usually pop up where they are least expected. When you microchip your pet, they will be registered on a nationwide database, so that no matter where your pet ends up, they will be identified and as long as the information on the microchip is up to date, you will be contacted and reunited with your pet.

There are many animal microchip companies, such as Identipet, that have databases that span across South Africa, ensuring your pet has the best chance of returning to its comfy bed and loving owners.

4.      Microchipping will ease the strain on overcrowded rescue centres

The sad reality of your pet getting lost is that they will probably have to go through the trauma of being processed through an animal welfare organisation.

Allan Perrins from the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa reported that over 90% of the stray animals that are admitted do not have any form of identification, which makes locating their owners very difficult and places strain on the already stressed resources.

South African rescue centres and veterinarians are bombarded with strays, lost pets, animal cruelty cases, and much more. These centres have a lot on their plate, and microchipping your pet can lighten their heavy load so they can focus on other important matters.

5.     Microchipping will help get your pet home sooner

Ultimately, the reason for getting your precious pooch or wriggly rabbit microchipped is so that they can be returned into your arms as soon as possible. Collars and tags, missing pet posters and social media posts may help you find your missing pet, however, a microchip is the most reliable form of identification and will significantly increase your chance of a happy reunion.

Data gathered by the SPCA  shows that a microchipped pet is returned to its owners in an average time of two hours compared to several days for an unidentifiable animal.

Missing pets that are deemed as healthy are only kept in a rescue centre for a minimum of 10 days, thereafter there is a chance that the animal is euthanised. This makes it that more important to get your furry family member microchipped before they wander off.

There is no doubt about it, microchipping is the best way to significantly increase your chances of being found should they ever go missing from your care! When you’re a pet parent, you must be prepared for any situation. So, get your pet microchipped and ensure your pet is covered by a reliable pet insurance.

For the pricing of Oneplan Pet Insurance plans, click here.

Your Pet Insurance Family,


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