11 Simple Ways to Save Fuel that Really Work!

save fuel

Follow these easy hacks to save fuel and have more money at the end of your month!

We all know how the ever-rising fuel prices in South Africa leave a serious dent in our wallets. And just when we think we have budgeted for our month of expenses, we get hit with another fuel price hike.


Fuel prices are a big reason why we are left with more month at the end of our money. We might not be able to change the increasing costs of fuel, but we can give you some great advice on how to save fuel and, as a result, save money. Sounds like good news to us!


Here are some small changes you can make to save fuel (every little drop counts!):


1. Drive gently.

Avoid harsh driving where you are constantly stopping and starting as you try to get ahead. When you are always braking hard and accelerating even harder, this causes your car to guzzle fuel. Rather stop and start gently.


2. Don’t speed.

You might know this already, but driving at high speeds means more fuel is being used. Interesting fact – when you are driving at 110km/h your car uses 25% more fuel than it would if you were cruising at a casual 90km/h. Drive slower and you’ll save more.


3. Always drive in your highest gear possible.

Driving in your highest gear without your engine struggling will use less fuel than revving your engine more than needed.


4. Try to drive at a constant speed.

We get that driving in traffic doesn’t always allow for us to drive at the same speed, but constantly zooming to a fast speed and suddenly slowing down and doing it all over again uses more fuel.


Read this: 5 Things to Do When You’re Stuck in Traffic: The Bored Driver’s Guide


5. Don’t idle your engine for too long.

If you can, turn your car off to save fuel when you are stuck behind an accident or road block, or when you’re waiting in a drive-thru queue.


6. Don’t drive with your window wide open.

Driving with your window wide open (especially at high speeds) causes your car to have more wind resistance and drag which means you use more fuel.


7. Try not to always use your aircon.

Using your aircon could increase your fuel consumption by 10%. But! This doesn’t mean you should open your window as driving at speeds over 80km/h. In this case, using your aircon is more fuel efficient than driving with your window open.


8. Avoid charging things in your car.

Chargers like cell phone chargers etc. cause more fuel to be used.


9. Remove any unnecessary weight (and no, we don’t mean your mother-in-law!)

The more your car carries, the more petrol it uses. Try to avoid storing unnecessary things in your boot or on your backseat.


10. Join a lift club.

Sharing fuel costs and commuting to work with a co-worker will cut your fuel costs in half! As an added benefit, it’s also more eco-friendly.


11. Plan your routes.

Getting lost will cause you to use more fuel. Pick your route and pick the shortest one.


Related: 3 reasons why you should never drive on an empty fuel tank


Of course, if you want to take saving costs a step further than just these ways to save fuel, then make sure you have affordable car insurance. And not just any car insurance, but one that makes your life simpler.


Here’s why Oneplan is the insurance you have been looking for:

  • No vehicle inspections
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Your Insurance Family,


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